A new & improved diet: le fire & la air

Get into alternative / energy medicine to open up energy channels (nadies / meridians) & energy centers (wheels / chakras / elements) to obtain more energy from life force / prana for you are an energy being in a living organism in a living organism full of oxygen, nitrogen, etc. and even water itself.

Breatharianism is another discipline vehicle to help you succeed in all areas of life. This is done through surrender through diet, fasting, exercise, conscious breathing, and overall consciousness over your senses, thoughts, actions, breath, and words.

Food is a denser form of energy, but all IS energy (life force / prana), including the air you breath; you just have to activate the energy being that you are through energy work.

By the way the the brain system (commonly referred to as hand system) is opposing to the meridians (nadies / energy channels) in terms of sides, including nostrils. The physical masculine Pingala meridian on the right goes to mental left brain as active masculine sun: earth 🌍 to fire 🔥 (extrovert, sensing, thinking, judging). On the other hand, the physical feminine Ida meridian on the left goes to mental right brain as passive feminine moon: water 💦 to air 🌬️ (introvert, intuitive, feeling, perceiving). Therefore, in the nadies (meridians): left is passive feminine (red, emotional energy, ida nadi) but right is active masculine (white, vital power, pingala nadi).

how masculine & feminine reflects in brain sides
- how masculine & feminine reflects in the brain -

- mirror image of masculine pingala (from right meridian to left sun brain) and feminine ida (from left meridian to right moon brain) -

Check out https://photos.app.goo.gl/R18pP8cSrDyGKNg87 for the brain systemhttps://nodojoninja.blogspot.com/2020/10/parasympathetic-response-higher.html for tips on activating the right sympathetic (Pingala) channel, and https://nodojoninja.org/9-element-takamatsu-den-ninjutsu/ninjutsu-conditioning-training for methods of increasing life force as a great replacement for food, and methods to activate the central Sushumna channel. 

(breatharian El Emin talks about how he is able to live without food or water)

However small correction to El Emin's explanation: air (vayu) is not life force (prana) itself, it is the seat of it. Air (vayu) takes life force (prana) to fire (agni) which leads to digestion via combustion, while fire (agni) by itself is the best purification agent. However, he is partially right because everything in the material world is made of prana, but not just the air as a medium, although it is always readily available through proper breathing.

Our prophets / rishis (enlightened beings) and sages instructed us to have no more than 1/3 food, with the rest as 1/3 water and 1/3 air in our stomachs because we are not only in dense organisms that interact only with the earth (doesnt have to be through food) but in organisms with increasingly subtle energies available in the higher elements of water, fire (heat), air, and ether (life force).

Stress kills. Aside from causing flight or flight response therefore adrenaline & cortisol therefore tension therefore fatigue, stress causes a defensive mechanism similar to that against pathogens, but instead of killing them, it kills healthy cells therefore causes aging. Also, we usually respond to stress by masking the pain through pleasure, which often leads to more problems therefore more stress. Surrender (more below) filters the information coming from outside to neutralize the response.

Through modeling: earth is active through survival (work, sleep, food and shelter), water through humor, fun & cooperation, fire through logic, knowledge, order, diligence, & meticulousness, air through philosophy & compassion, ether through thinking, judging, & copying less by seeing underlying principles. Through mirroring: the formula is 1/4 earth by barefoot contact with sand or soil and/or or a quarter of food, 1/4 water by being around fresh water and/or a quarter water drinking, 1/4 fire by sun light exposure and/or a quarter digestion combustion, and 1/4 air by fresh air exposure and/or proper breathing. Ultimately, the elements better used for Self (union, between manifest & unmanifest), not for self (seperation between Spirit & soul then soul & mind then mind & body then body from other bodies).

The most important element is ether (5th element) especially the kurma nadi (turtoise meridian) nearby it, and by activating it, its nectar source near the ajna (3rd eye) called Bindu, one no longer needs food nor water nor (to a big extent) oxygen. Kurma Nadi activation is basically done through surrender (of ego self's desires for thoughts & sensations) therefore low frequency brainwaves therefore high frequency energy waves. Those are fundamental to maximizing life force for good biomagnetism (like cement for bricks, available by good life force circulation) therefore health. In addition to that, one should be aware of their energy income & expense as shown below:

The stock energy is lost through energy expenditure basically through the 5 senses (e.g. 20 expense for each sense up to 100 stock). When expenditure is higher than stock there is pain, when lower there is pleasure, when equal it is peace, and when there is little or no expenditure there is bliss. Meditation (especially on ajna / 3rd eye) helps to minimize expenditure to just touch (especially internal), so stock is much more than expenditure (e.g. 20 expenditure through touch i.e. feeling life force through ajna, 80 stock). It helps to minimize expenditure through daily life e.g. eating while focusing on ajna (inner touch) instead.

The more activated the elements through lifestyle & meditation (check https://nodojoninja.blogspot.com/2021/01/9elements.html) the more energy you are able to acquire from them. If you want to learn the meditation and exercises for maximizing life-force then you may contact me via www.NoDojo.Ninja .

Animals are known by instinct to fast when they are sick, because that is when their growth hormones commonly known as HGH (Human Growth Hormones at 12 hours minimum) are boosted for healing. It is also critical not to eat at least 3 hours (unless it is fresh fruits & vegetables which only need 1 hour to digest) before sleep, because food impedes HGH, which is maximized at night especially during sleep when it should be darkest by the aid of melatonin hormone.

I found some methods to help with long fast tolerance but before that we got to master short fasts (1 to 2 days). One method is pranayama but with quick breath that is 1 second inhale and 2 second exhale for 30 times each chakra, aside from basic physical exercise and sunlight.

For long fast then one method is cold shower (with shower filter, which increases minerals and removes any toxins / chemicals) and breath lock at the chest when you feel any heart palpitations, aside from long gentle walks in nature specially with sunlight and natural grass. Sun (and nature in general) exposure helps because they carry great prana, even if by tratak (candle gazing whjch doubles as detox). 

Also having healthy gentle fats such as nuts and coconut and avocado and virgin olive oil etc. before fasts helps. If you still must eat then go for minerals via copper vessel or lemon & salt infused water, and vegetables (preferably juice) as last resort. Be careful not to infuse copper vessel with lemon and/or salt as that releases rust into the water!

Most important is modeling though. That is if you keep thinking ur hungry and are going to die then you won't last, so act as normally as before but with more care to energy expenditure (avoid overthinking, anger, indulgences, surrounding company & vibrations, etc.), and keep your eyes on the prize to stay motivated 😊

I also practice 3LAW Yoga breathwork & meditation (combination of Tantra Sastra, Kundalini Yoga, and Raja Yoga). Some basic physical exercise (I mostly use Ninjutsu element workouts, certain Yoga postures, some Kijutsu / Tai Chi / QiGong). You can get and learn all those via www.NoDojo.Ninja for personal coaching and www.NoDojoNinja.org for online programs.

See https://nodojoninja.blogspot.com/2021/01/9elements.html for elaboration on what we are inside of.

Just as we better go for products & services as directly as possible without the middleman of man (who naturally exploits you & nature & its inhabitants due to the system and ego in general) through hunting gathering (mostly the latter) otherwise agriculture (NOT the animal type) otherwise DIY, we better go for energy directly through the sunlight & plants that animals have consumed, and even better directly to the air & sunlight that the plants have consumed.

Interested in breatharianism? Try intermittent fasting (https://nodojoninja.blogspot.com/2020/10/fasting-benefits.html) first. Still think breatharianism is impossible? Give veganism a shot (https://nodojoninja.blogspot.com/2020/10/veganism-civilization.html) first .


www.NoDojo.Ninja for some No Dojo Ninja Dojo badass goodies :) & 9 Element Takamatsu Den Ninjutsu / Creative Calisthenics / 3LAW Yoga training (:

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Special credits to Maya Bashore bahan, Ajit Kurup bhai, swami Satyananda Saraswati& SKY for aiding in acquiring the knowledge :D

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