The 5 Paths of Liberation

Liberation from the bondage / entrapment of the non ending cycle of life (birth & death) is done through:

1) intent: non-desire i.e. Surrender for: Return / Liberation / Enlightenment / Union / Oneness / God or Self or Higher-self or most-High or Truth or The Ultimate realization / non-dualism / ego death / Great Death (same thing)

2) modeling: internal affirmation representation via action (or non-action), mantra / shingon (sound), mudra / kuji (gesture), pranayama / gokyo (breath), asana / kamae (posture), or visualization from any method (religion).

3) mirroring: external affirmation representation such as color / shape / people / animals / diety / location etc. from any method (religion).

What is the closest thing to The Ultimate? Nature, specifically the Elements. Here They are when used for Self in ascending order of pain (as per understanding of the elementsBhagavat Gita of Sanatana dharma).

The order of Their pain is the complete opposite when (mis)used for self (ascending suffering from air to earth):

A) sattavic (goodness) practice / Mahayana: internal / right hand Path of Return - 5th (ether of intuition) & 6th (no-mind soul of non-dual 3rd 👁) via 🌎 (masculine pingala channel on the right & the lower inner unmanifest representation) balance & union with 🌬️ (lower outer manifest representation - feminine ida channel now on the right).

1) simplicity / 🌍 modeling & mirroring / "renounce your intellect to Me" / Raja Yoga (king union) by destroying pleasure instinct / usually highly alkaline diet / regarded as 2nd highest / the Path of ِAusterity

2) ritual (prostration, art, poetry, fluidity, & chanting with rhythm & passion) / 💦 modeling & mirroring / "renounce your actions to Me" / Bhakti Yoga (devotion union) by cracking at survival instinct / usually alkaline diet / regarded as 4th highest (easiest) / the Path of Devotion

B) rajasic (badness) practice / Vajrayana: external / left hand Path of Return - 5th (ether of intuition) & 6th (no-mind soul of non-dual 3rd 👁) via 💦 (lower outer manifest representation - feminine channel on the left) balance & union with 🔥 (masculine pingala channel now on the left & the higher inner unmanifest representation)

3) sacrifice / "endure your actions for Me" / 🔥 modeling & mirroring / Karma Yoga (action union) by destroying survival instinct / usually very acidic diet / regarded as 1st highest (hardest) / the Path of Action

4) intellect (logic, introspection, & philosophy) / "endure your intellect for Me" / 🌬️ modeling & mirroring / Jnana Yoga (intellect union) by cracking at pleasure instinct / Air dominant / usually acidic diet / regarded as 3rd highest / the Path of Intellect

C) center no hand Path of Return

5) other unmanifest (inner masculine soul) reunion with manifest (outer feminine body-mind) via any related modeling or mirroring from any method for the no-mind non dual 3rd 👁️ activation by center (sushumna) channel. See for the Ninjutsu method.

D) tamasic (darkness) practice / Hinayana (downwards Path of Life)

6) selfishly from desire: fear from pain (survival instinct, which leads to threat via scarcity and/or danger) or yearning for sense-fulfilment (pleasure instinct, which leads to pain) ignorance based action / usually stale & dead life diet / the Path of Suffering.

All desire driven action is a sin, including knowledge. The counterpart of desire is (non stop) greed, and the counterpart of greed is (selfish) anger. Desire leads to life, and life then leads back to desire. Life is based on separation (ego) therefore selfishness therefore desire. Therefore, life only leads to one thing: suffering.

(veda means knowledge)

An animal (a creature that acts on instincts, in case of human also known as infidel) should not be allowed anywhere near religion (or any knowledge) OR money (or any tech), otherwise make it unattractive OR scarce respectively. When received by one, it becomes far too destructive.

Here it is yet again, but in descending order of effectiveness (due to descending order of faith) as per astrology:

To sum up: the more you want to live, the more you must pay the price (suffer) for it. That is not wrong, because more surrender (in this case even more endurance than Vajrayana itself) is needed. This is why Hinayana is somehow yet another Path. Different strokes for different folks; different rivers one massive Ocean; different bottles one fine wine, different paths one single mountain Summit.

Mahayana gradually descends to Hinayana throughout those paths, but they are all still worldly (The Lord is unknown & unknowable). All are meditative because all aid in unity of manifest body-mind with unmanifest soul therefore Union (with unknowable Spirit) because they all involve (or should involve) surrender (renunciation to endurance of thoughts & senses). Especially in terms of response (to temptations otherwise problems), then unless renunciation surrender / Raja Yoga (🌎) is possible, then endurance surrender / Karma Yoga (🔥) is required. These 2 are the masculine elements of life that better be balanced with their feminine counter parts: external elements 🔥 with 💦, and internal elements 🌎 with 🌬️.  

All Yoga aid in purification because the senses, thoughts, & limbs are given up or dedicated as instruments of param atma / Supreme Soul (AKA Universe / Allah / Christ / Shiva / Wu Chi etc.) which Yoga (Union - with The Ultimate) is designed to achieve. 

🔥 is closest to warrior dharma as it involves the desired effect of combatting selfishness (this is literally why Shiva (unmanifest / that which is not) was actually known as Shankar - the Destroyer). However, more desire driven action (not for the Lord) is Hinayana.

The reason sri Krishna gave 🔥 as last resort (although it is both before AND less painful than the last being  🌬️) is because although it is most effective, it is the hardest thing to sacrifice your own survival instinct. Also, naturally one should do their duty (preferably as per their character therefore interest therefore proficiency) to help others and earn in return to continue their worship, but the problem arises when one uses their duty not for worship, but rather for selfish survival instinct or selfish pleasure instinct, but that is void of benefit exchange, and pleasure cannot be without pain, respectively. Earning should only be as a recommendation for exchange (as duty / dharma), or to limit selfish behaviour by limiting available funds.

It is in that case that the aspirant should leave his yearning for earning to be decided by Nature. It is most effective (yet maybe most painful) because it is duty and effortless (unintended) meditation simultaneously. It is not limited to giving, but especially giving back (acknowledgement), for he who causes selfish pain descends the most. Either way, he who wants what he has gets what he needs, the Lord provides for he who endures for Him (especially if mistreated), and you reap what you sow / what goes around comes around / what goes up must come down (give love you get it back) aside from closing distance to Almighty, which gives the ability to manifest (element 8), aided by the blessings of those who receive. Also, selling something requires strategy (we call it marketing), which takes away from the profession itself, so whatever sold may end up causing suffering, which causes karmic deficit (suffering as a mortal individual) and negative karma (painful effect).

🔥 includes charity, and better limit otherwise terminate infidelity (unfortunately most need to suffer till hitting rock-bottom before pursuing Liberation). 🌬️ is in fact more pain than it because expectation (even of a smile) leads to suffering, and Nature is naturally rich with abundance and can take care of all; its elements are everywhere even in humans. If humans are discontent or unhappy then they will naturally cause suffering (if there are needs or desires) by not reciprocating, and if they are greedy then they will themselves suffer through guilt otherwise desire (especially sensual, therefore probable guilt again) and counterparts such as anger anwyay. Last but not least, "what you resist persists" so greed will make you loose money (due to the resistance of it) considerably anyway. 

Either way, taking without giving is stealing, and those who matter don't mind, while those who mind don't matter. That is, infidels don't really value spirituality anyway, so they won't want to reciprocate, even if they can. In fact, infidels look down on it as lies and go as far as redicule and even persecute (even kill) the guides and gods (avatars / channels of God).

Sanatana dharma does not say that you can look the world in just one way. Even within it there are same principles with various religions (e.g. Shaivism, Shaktism, etc.) and strains each with their own unique & different words, symbolisms, emphasis, structures, and classifications (even within the same strain). Vedas don't see the world as how Tantras do. 

Choose a path and try to see how yogies saw. Practice well preferably according to your element to start the Journey, and the opposing one for life & Liberation, otherwise you won't be able to perceive what our avatars meant, for knowledge (faith / belief / theory) is objective (same for all) but Truth is subjective (personal; determined by perception as per the level of our consciousness).

Air (AB) is a mix of
Earth (A) and Water (B)

Know the elements:
- Earth 🌎 (simple & solitary) / Blood Type A / average build (kapha / endo-ectomorph) is Raja Yoga: modeling by solitude, quiet, and mirroring by surrounding self with anything related such as soil especially bare foot

- Water 💦 (easy going and sociable) / Blood Type B / fat body-type (endomorph) is Bhakti Yoga: modeling through memorizing then remembering (otherwise just feeling) emotional and/or devotional self resonating chants & bows, poetry, stretching, fluid movement, humor, disorder, and mirroring by surrounding self with anything related such as hydration & fresh water

- Fire 🔥 (passionate and active) is Karma Yoga / Blood Type O / muscular body-type (pitta / mesomorph): mostly physical pain by modeling through sacrifice by doing free service, physical endurance, taking risks (with progression), order, enduring (mis)fortunes / karma (which is hardest therefore should NOT be caused), and mirroring by surrounding self with anything related such as Sun and natural candles

- Air 🌬️ (philosophical and introspective) is Jnana Yoga / Blood Type AB / thin body-type (vatta / ectomorph): mostly mental pain via modeling by introspection, & preferably any holy scripture & (optionally) teaching and/or selling to use money for worship ONLY and mirroring by surrounding self with anything related such as fresh air & Moon

For life (and enlightenment) one better balance & unite according to their element, therefore water 💦 with fire 🔥 & earth 🌍 with air 🌬️

For enlightenment (especially to aid in getting on the Path of Return) one can choose the Path according to their dominant element: earth 🌎 therefore Raja Yoga, water 💦 therefore Bhakti Yoga, fire 🔥 therefore Karma Yoga, air 🌬️ therefore Jnana Yoga. 

If you die sattavic (right hand path) then will be reborn human with good circumstances, if rajasic (left hand path) then will be reborn human with bad circumstances, if tamasic (down path) then aside from already experiencing a hellish existence (forced into Karma Yoga i.e. 🔥, ultimately through Judgement / Dooms day), you will be reborn as a lower life form (animal to plant in accordance to water / pleasure and earth / survival instinct dominance respectively) or even in a lower dimension (you can tell if non of the elements work). 

If you are fully liberated then won't reincarnate, otherwise end up in a higher realm in which case will be harder to be liberated due to lack of physicality.

Therefore, the least suffering thing to do is follow the Right Hand Path until full liberation and realization of Oneness 🙏🏼

This World is our Egg 🥚; time to Hatch 🐣

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www.NoDojo.Ninja for some No Dojo Ninja Dojo badass goodies :) & 9 Element Takamatsu Den Ninjutsu / Creative Calisthenics / 3LAW Yoga training (:

^x_O^ offerings (PayPal / Ko-Fi) OR knowledge (comment) OR services (comment / share / subscribe here & @ YouTube) for energy exchange, for it is a moral obligation (maryada) to reciprocate if you have benefited, afterall, the best ascension method is sacrifice (Karma Yoga), and to help support the cause of your virtual dojo, No Dojo Ninja Dojo ^O_x^

Special credits to Mowrad Rownak Flowrendo, Tony RobbinsPaths of MeaningArjuna Avatar, Holy Bhagavat Gita, Anoop Haridassan acharya, and Subasri bahan.

Bhakti Yoga devotional chants (do it cause you love the Ultimate Unkown Unknowable as your best friend & everlasting companion, and with emotion, say whatever words resonate like):
- Allahu Akbar (God is Greatest)
- I am your subservient servant oh Lord of the heavens and all that lies beneath
- oh Lord you are most merciful most kind and gracious deliver me from wordliness
- oh Lord i bow to thee and beg for mercy and forgiveness
- oh Lord I am your most humble slave, yours to command


  1. Great analysis /points about pitfalls an aspirant should avoid. Thank you 🙏


    He says four types of people worship him.

    Interesting to note the examples of bhakthas mentioned ( they are held up as supreme examples of bhakthi), Queen Draupadi was in danger and the child Dhruva wanted his father's love but both achieved what they did.
    So one can start from Hinayana but with perseverance, can reach the goal, imo.
    Just got to start from wherever one is and commit to moving forward we can say?

    1. Fall down 7 times, get up 8!!!

  3. Yes in Japanese they say Ganbatte meaning keep going, never stop trying till Death xD


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