Left Meridian (Ida Nadi) activation for higher frequency

The Vagus nerve is the captain of our nervous system is the wandering nerve that connects our brain to all of the organs in our body.

It can be responsible for increasing or decreasing our heart rate, regulating our insulin secretion and the body’s inflammation response to disease to name a few.

For most of us our Vagus nerve is not functioning properly. Most of us are living our lives in fight or flight due to an over active asympathetic nervous system (Pingala Nadi / right meridian) responsible for the first & right Manas Shakti (mental power for earth & fire elements for survival, simplicity & knowledge, order) associated with left brain masculine sun Pingala energy.

For us to better heal and be in a state of vigour and joy, we must strengthen our left sympathetic nervous system (Ida Nadi / left meridian) for the second & Manas Shakti (emotional power for water & air elements for adaptation, playfulness, cooperation, & art, charity, compassion) associated with right brain feminine Ida moon energy.

Both left feminine & right masculine Manas Shakti are needed for activating Prana Shakti (life force) for formlessness, effortlessness, & intuition (5th masculine & feminine element) therefore ultimately aiding in activation of the parasympathetic nervous system (via the Sushumna Nadi / center meridian) for Self realization (6th non duality element then 9th non dualism element). This is commonly confused with pingala nadi, but pingala only starts on the right (in the meridians), not ends on the right (in the brain) ... the feminine energy of coexistance.

Based on your dominant gender, you may need to strengthen your masculine pingala channel, however it most likely the other way round due to dominant universal survival instincts.

Methods to activate feminine Ida channel:
- Postures (from Yoga or otherwise) 
- Cold water via cold showers / splashing cold water on face / cold foot soaks
- Singing, chanting or muscle toning (less weight more reps)
- Massage
- Smiling & laughter (yes laughter is perhaps truly the best medicine because it is related to the immunity gland; check infographic below)

So which system is your dominant system would you say and are you taking time to reset and balance yourself?

Power of Frequency 

A virus such as the corona virus has frequency of 5.5hz to 25.5hz.

Low vibes:
Fear 0.2 to 2.2hz.
Noise 0.6 to 2.2hz.
Pride 0.8hz.
Irritation 0.9 to 6.8hz.
Superiority 1.9hz.

The frequency of the earth today is 27.5hz but there are places that vibrate down to 20hz or less like:

High vibes:
Generosity 95hz
Prayer 120hz plus
Gratitude 150hz
Compassion 150hz plus
Unconditional love 205hz plus

What else?

Blessing, charity, playing, painting, singing, dancing, basking in the sun, exercising, enjoying nature, natural foods like seeds, cereals, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and water.

For other methods to activate all channels especially the central Sushumna such as Tai Chi Chuan, Ninjutsu or any soft martial art (especially that cultivates a relaxed response to problems & challenges), chanting (mantra / shingon), finger-positions (mudra / kuji-in & kuji-kiri), breathwork (pranayam / kokyu), still & moving meditation, check this out under Mental Conditioning.

So lets vibrate high. Contact me at www.NoDojo.Ninja to learn from various powerful methods to activate the Pingala meridian such as Kundalini Yoga postures & exercises, Ninjutsu, KiJutsu, QiGong, Tai Chi Chuan, and Tao Chi.

There you will also find wellness products such as natural Yoga chakra mats, natural chakra soaps, spiritually themed accessories, precious stones, acupressure tools, back support tools, and many more!

Power Vs Force based on David R Hawkins' Doctoral Thesis.


www.NoDojo.Ninja for some No Dojo Ninja Dojo badass goodies :) & 9 Element Takamatsu Den Ninjutsu / Creative Calisthenics / 3LAW Yoga training (:

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Special thanks to Shiva KojakiSourabh Suri, David R. Hawkins, and swami Satyananda Saraswati for aiding in acquiring the knowledge xD

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