The Left Hand Path & the destruction of the destruction of spirituality (including Ninjutsu)

In some cases of the Left Hand Path (of Return) there is atheism. Atheism means not believing therefore having a god (therefore idol / representation) to worship. It does not mean not believing in something beyond the 5 senses of the 5 elements therefore void of egoism. A more accurate word for one who does not believe in anything beyond the senses is infidel.

However even believing in anything is not necessary (although faith in the power of the elements helps), because what matters is detachment from worldliness by knowing the non-dual (therefore non separating non judging non desiring) Self therefore liberation from the ego (separate identity especially as body-mind self) therefore suffering of duality.

The left hand path comes from the 3 vehicles of enlightenment:

1) Hinayana: the embodied soul will be good but resist evil therefore experience suffering therefore do evil therefore cause suffering therefore experience even more suffering. Unfortunately, for most people, suffering is the ONLY teacher, after experiencing enough they will finally either have a fierce (or unlikely lucky) awakening due to the incredible pain of attachments or move on to step 2 or 3 depending on character, intensity, and circumstance. Pain here is maximized due to indirectly being pursued (due to pursuit of happiness through life) due to most selfishness. The Generator in GOD. Moto: embrace pleasure, but deny pain ... the Path of Ignorance / the Ignorant Goat - the lowest. Most people being nastika (non seekers) usually with tamasic (darkness) disposition belong here.

2) Mahayana: soul over mind; the embodied soul therefore makes constant effort to attain liberation: be good, renunciate worldliness (both pleasure & pain), and endure evil (in training & in life) therefore prevent suffering therefore do good. Through enlightenment, one automatically influences others preferably along with being Teacher (who must still endure students & knowledge needed). Pain here is minimized due to least selfishness. Moto: deny both pleasure & pain. The Operator of GOD. This is the Right Hand Path (internal / feminine brain & masculine meridian / balance of earth with air) ... the Path of Goodness, the Compassionate Healer, the White Lotus, the Earth Disperser, the Life Transcender - the highest. Few people being true astika (seekers) / sadhus usually with sattavik (goodness) disposition belong here.

3) Vajrayana: mind over matter; the embodied soul becomes the evil that resisting of has only perpetuated through enlightenment preferably along with enduring knowledge, skill, and strength needed to be Warrior that inflicts necessary evil on targeted egos until they also finally develop the discipline to endure (desire during shortcomings) & renunciate (desire during temptations), otherwise cause enough suffering due to their attachments till they finally exhaust their karmic energy to finally awaken or actively pursue liberation. Discipline is the ability to fully love all "evil" while fully hating all ego, for villains create heroes. Pain here is moderated due to directly being pursued due to less selfishness. Moto: embrace pain & pleasure. The Destroyer in GOD. This is the Left Hand Path (external / masculine brain & feminine meridian / balance of water with fire) ... the Path of Badness, the Passionate Fighter, the Black Demon, the Water Burner, the Life Disrupter. Some people being usually somewhat astika (external seekers) / sadhaks usually with rajasic (badness) disposition belong here.

Masculine is actually evil at a higher element (fire), and feminine is equally (or possibly even more so) evil at a lower element (water). Good and evil exist in both masculine and feminine in both male and female. In fact, all life necessitates selfishness therefore some level of evil, manifesting in feminine or masculine, in male or female. The trick is detach from life therefore especially from the seemingly good / evil, because it is that attachment that makes us resist (therefore cause / be attached to) the evil (aversive feminine water / vindictive masculine fire) in life 🧬. 

In fact, evil is necessary for good because they are both complementary concepts & lead to one another. 

They are complementary because good is the lack of evil just as dry (masculine good / earth) is the lack of wet (feminine evil / water) and cold (feminine good / air) is the lack of hot (masculine evil / fire). 

Good & evil lead to one another because evil actually leads to good just as the ability to be good (heal / save) being feminine cold air element is due to the presence of evil (sexual) energy being feminine wet water element, and also leads to being evil (protective) being masculine harmonious hot fire element. In the same way, the ability to be evil (punish / control) being masculine hot fire element is due to the ability to be good (austere / simple) being masculine dry earth element, and also leads to being good (kind / caring) being feminine cold air element.

Another instance of how duality leads to one another is seen by how going with feminine evil wet water energy of pleasure will ultimately lead to masculine evil hot fire energy of punishment, and vice versa: going with masculine evil hot fire energy of diligence will ultimately lead to feminine evil wet water energy of pleasure. Feminine manifest is simply inseparable from Masculine unmanifest!

Yes, unfortunately, death (evil) is both the lack of & leads to life (good) because plants rely on decomposed life; if nothing dies then nothing lives. Fortunately (?) however, life (good) is the lack of & leads to death (evil) because nothing lasts forever; if nothing lives then nothing dies. In the same way, sadness (evil) is the lack of & leads to happiness (good), and happiness (good) is the lack of & leads to sadness (evil), night (evil) is the lack of & leads to day (good), and day (good) is the lack of & leads to night (evil), dark (evil) is the lack of & leads to light (good), and light (good) is the lack of & leads to dark (evil), etc. etc.

Let's face it, life without problems is pretty damn boring, which is why Mahayana is the most difficult. Due to emphasis on kindness & compassion of unmanifest symbol feminine air element, it gives rise to manifest symbol masculine earth element by focusing on overcoming problem (therefore pain) root temptation (to pleasure), and is like an extremely quiet library (or lab) for the self, constantly studying and observing it, like a test subject. Picture being on an island all by yourself with no one to fight with let alone to talk to; you can go (coco)nuts.

It is also much harder to do nothing (for example ignore, even forgive) than to do something (for example ghost / banish / punish to control / settle the score / teach a lesson). "Love them when they deserve it the least, because that's when they need it the most." The only issue with this path, aside from its difficulty, is it allows aggressors to commit their atrocities, although by being peaceful (& more enlightened) and taking the high way, they are unlikely to cause harm, and may be influenced to be loving and compassionate back. Here, air element is given preference, as it denotes understanding & compassion. This element of healing & restoration is necessary to rekindle joy in the world.

Vajrayana on the other hand... due to emphasis on order & control of unmanifest symbol masculine fire element, gives rise to manifest symbol feminine water element by focusing on pleasure (due to temptation) stem problems (therefore pain), and embraces evil so much that it becomes beautiful and problems become fun, so fun that they can become an attachment. It however ideally tries to minimize pleasure (& especially comfort) through keeping the mind busy through pain through knowledge, strength, skill, and intentionally facing hardship & fear to develop discipline & need for fortitude rather than condition the mind to boredom as is the case with Mahayana. Being external, it is more concerned with heroism / villain..ism (same thing; can't be separated) by controlling others' ego / selfish evil than on divinity (neutrality / non duality / controlling one's own evil). When it comes to controlling the mind, it focuses on doing so by calming the body as opposed to directly studying & controlling the mind in the case of Mahayana.

Ironically, Vajrayana can be especially physically risky because aside from (possibly deadly) conflict, it can open up channels for pleasure because one can become desensitized from their problems therefore pain, not to mention deceptive (for selfish reasons), bitter, & arrogant. It can also make pleasure temptations stronger as it tends to obliterate (selfish) evil because what you resist persists. Last but not least, there is no guarantee that it will influence others to pursue the Path; in fact, they may end up in the pursuit of the very "villain" who's only aim was to dismantle the ego mind, meanwhile justifying it as yet another selfless cause.

"To see injustice and do nothing about it means to participate in it." -Jean-Jaque Rosseau. Here, fire element is given preference, as it denotes order & control (lower frequency / higher density than air element). However, this element of fury & war is necessary to harmonize and bring order (consistency, efficiency, fairness, equality, sensibility, morality, & justice) to the world because to rebuild, you must destroy. However, it does not have to be via violence or even sabotage, but other means such as rescue, obstruction, interception, protection, deception, demoralization, theft (via spycraft, social engineering, disguise, or otherwise), and disclosure are at one's disposal. Therefore, the flame of vengeance can be used very (re)constructively.

Unfortunately most people are in Hinayana because the lowest tendencies (earth for survival & water for life) are dominant. It is only those who are eventually / intentionally on the Path who can bring harmony & healing to sustain it. Hinayana however is true suffering, because it tries to escape problems & pain, the inevitable evil of life & pleasure, which only serves to perpetuate it. After all, comfort & pleasure come from low earth & water elements, both high density / low frequency elements of the flesh body & physical senses that cause descent & suffering for self (weakens the body, brain, & nervous system therefore blocking higher element channels) & others, so they better be minimized if not denied. If not, there will always be be those that heal and "harmonize".

Any spiritual practise is about being Spirit that neutralizes evil, be it temptations / water (Mahayana: renunciation) or problems / fire (Vajrayana: endurance). The brain splits: right / lower / past / water brain glamorizes or dramatizes or flees, and the left / higher / future / fire brain obliterates or destroys or fights, but Spirit does neither: non dual middle way.

You can compare Mahayana to Vajrayana as you can compare Order of Assassins to Knights Templar, Ryu's Power of Nothingness to Evil Ryu's Dark Vibration (Satsui No Hado) and Dakshina Tantra to Vama Tantra. Other examples are all over Hollywood: The Force v.s. The Dark Side / Luke v.s. Darth Vader, Transformers v.s. Decepticons, Avengers v.s. Thanos, Batman v.s. Joker, Captain America v.s. Red Skull, Spiderman v.s. Kingpin, Superman v.s. Lex Luthor, Neo v.s. Agent Smith, Moana v.s. Te Fiti, etc.

This battle of duality / separation between "good & evil" is a reflection of the actual battle between good feminine air element & evil masculine fire element / higher feminine air element & lower masculine earth element / higher masculine fire element & lower feminine water element. Yes good & evil only exist due their relation to one another: good is higher frequency while evil is lower frequency, relatively.

This battle is because they seem separate due to Maaya - cause for ego / illusion of separation, which is the result of the battle of dualism / separation between masculine concept unmanifest & feminine concept manifest / Yang & Yin / vertical & horizontal / crescent & star / circle & lines / inside & outside / Spirit & Matter / God & Body / He & She / Father Spirit & Mother Nature / Shiva & Shakti / wearer & worn / veiled & veil / face & mask / actor & acted / sword & scabbard / blade & chalice / light & dark / white & black / up & down. When masculine-concept unmanifest (actor Watcher soul-Spirit) is feminine-concept manifest (acted watched body-mind), one becomes neither therefore is Liberated as the Non Dual Divine / Pure Consciousness / Unattached Unmanifest / Unknowable Ultimate / The Most High.

Therefore the more the attachment, the more the ego / illusion of separation therefore dualism therefore karmic debts (sins / misses) therefore descent therefore duality therefore suffering there is.

Throughout the 4 ages, the battle (against evil therefore demons / asura) was between different planets, then between different empires, then between different (and within) countries & families, and now it is within oneself (one has become his worst enemy).

What you resist persists; the more you resist (or desire) evil, the more of it you have. That is why throughout the ages (from Satya / golden to Treta / silver to Dvapara / bronze to now ... Kali / iron) evil has perpetuated leaving people physically weak, mentally idiotic, and morally bankrupt. This calls for some serious maintenance.

This vehicle can be summarized with "First one resists evil, then one endures it, then one becomes it for it becomes unlawful to do what is good." This is represented by GOD (Generator, Operator, Destroyer), by Shiva the recycler / operator / maintainer, who destroys the ego manifested matter to generate holy manifested matter. This means that Shiva constantly destroys the illusion of separation / being body-mind or ego-self through conscience, intuition, and suffering of selfishness to guide people back to Him (unmanifest within manifest). Either way, enlightenment entails destruction .. of body (attachment to senses / forms) and mind (attachment to thoughts & beliefs / removing what is thought to be true for the all is mind which causes the illusion of separation). Also, enlightened beings / embodied liberations / gods / manifestations or images of God guide people back to Him, therefore generating a better world where everything operates wonderfully as One. In other words: mind Generates while body Operates and soul Destroys.n

There are various dieties (such as Pseidon god of sea / Satan god of hell) holding the trident / trishul representing the exact same thing. Dieties are astral (4th element) beings. A god is is a link to the Divine, which is beyond the senses therefore knowledge (or understanding or explaning or representing) because of being beyond the mind.

(Satan the accuser, god of hell, the ultimate destination of ego's path of profanity / spirit to matter)

Satanists' ultimate moto is "We can no longer tolerate evil, for once it is embraced, it becomes justice personified, a sinner's worst nightmare." Amplify their punishment; be their Karma!!! Truth is we all kill something or someone, intentionally or not, for one reason or the other. "Killing doesn't make one bad, what we kill for, does!" -Sathyan Martin. Besides, ancient history varna proves that there were 4 duties one of which is Kshatriya (warriors) dedicated to war. Afterall, Satan comes from sata (scholar, more accuraretely teacher) which changed to sasta, of which the teachings of is called sastra (commonly understood as manual). Also, the word devil comes from dev (divine / God) + il (abode / residence).

Anyway evil is not so bad cause "Good times make weak people, weak people make bad times, bad times make strong people, strong people make good times." People who have endured the most suffering are the most awesome because they have developed unshakeable discipline into miraculous  grace & compassion no matter what life throws at them. Pressure makes diamonds, crushing makes wine, pressing makes oil, and darkness sprouts trees. Challenges give strength, complexity builds wisdom, and persistence piles perfection. Evil is necessary for growth & liberation!

Besides, suffering of life (especially upon experiencing enough of the pain of its pleasures therefore fully exhausting all karmic energy to finally pursue liberation) is usually what pushes us into spirituality. As the saying goes "Religion is for those who fear the fires of hell, but enlightenment is for those who already have been there." The fires refer to the conversion into a lower density / higher subtleness or frequency element (due to trials of problems & temptations) therefore liberation / detachment.

Therefore, ninja (one who endures) can - upon authorization (upon enlightenment, or by one who is) - possibly assassinate, lie (including camouflage), sabotage, and steal (including spy) but only upon necessity to aid in liberation because many (especially those in high places) will not renunciate, which will cause alot more suffering than their own, in addition to their own. Yes Ninjutsu (as is any martial art especially with a black belt) is Left Hand Path, similar to Satanism and Witchcraft. You can tell that from the word: nin means to endure (problems & pain) of life.

Making a business out of spirituality entails following desires of the ego, which only creates impure karma (due to the thought of the separate self / ego) therefore extending suffering (through karma & lineage) and multiplying it by creating yet another (spiritual) channel (another religion) and venue (another school) for suffering, because that's the only thing ego is good for. 

This is especially a problem in capitalism (especially if not state sponsored) & the nature of non ending materialism because it forces teachers to prolong the process through unlimited material manifestations (i.e. postures / techniques / weapons / etc.) while hiding (and/or twisting and/or extending) their underlying mental manifestation source essence (i.e. knowledge & principles).

This will ultimately lead to politics (possibly violence) due to competition within and between religions (forms of spirituality). Not only that but you will have to (people don't have the time or patience or energy and certainly don't want to put in all that money for endless training) sell ranks and teaching certificates (including online?!) which will damage the discipline even more.

It surely extends the sin & suffering not only due to impure karma, but creates followers that follow the same business oriented thought process, and business means not only earning to cover costs, but earning even more than that to make a profit. As you can see, business entails alot of ego, which should have absolutely nothing to do with spirituality as it is anti-ego.

If that's not enough, there will be lower entities blessed with higher powers (yes demons) that will inflict great harm upon those who use spirituality for materialism. Evidence is plentiful through the destruction of idols (that were used for black magic for selfish causes) in Prophet Muhammad's time, Jesus's punishment to those who used temple grounds as markets, Witchcraft tragedies (such as limbs being torn off by demons), and Hatsumi's destruction (of the destruction) of the wonderful art of Bujinkan Ninjutsu (story below).

Spirituality (including White & Black Magick) should only be used against ego, never for it, or the consequences will surely be dire indeed. Especially for Black Magick, the magician must have a great command over his energies to handle lower entities for they can cause serious physical and/or mental impairements. An enlightened mind is not a normal human mind, for God works through their mind.

Especially upon commiting the greatest sin of participating in the materialization of spirituality (using it to indulge in life rather than removing it (by removing the ego) & helping others to do the same), there will be 3 factions that participate in its destruction (therefore its manifested religion / art / discipline / school):

1) ones that turn it into a politically divisive tool to control resources by profit, therefore misunderstand, hide, and twist its contents (especially the integral non mental or physical parts). This will cause a lot of conflict (and surely, violence) between people within and between differing forms of spirituality.
2) ones that truly get it will in turn destroy that form of spirituality to prevent it from causing more suffering (caused by immoral desire, money, and division) mainly by ruining its reputation.
3) ones that will destroy people / their business perpetuating the suffering through spirituality, yes including lower entities.

Below you will see an example of the Left Hand Path via Ninjutsu, and there are others including Ninja, Knights Templar, and One World Order @ .

Enter Case Study: Ninjutsu

Ninjutsu is a wonderful spiritual system (partially) derived from Zen Buddhism derived from Taoism derived from Buddhism derived from Sanatana very closely linked to the 9 elements, intended not only to remove form (activate mind), but to remove mind itself by going against the ego. However, its last descendant Grand Master Hatsumi intended well by naming it Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (body art of the way of war of the divine warrior house) to remove any crazy connotations it had about ninja, and instead focusing purely on its self defense (as a way of dealing with evil as problems as conflicts) as aspect as a means for enlightenment.

However people exploited this genius art with profound spiritual content for profit, therefore treated him unfairly both offline especially via seminars that he did not get paid fairly for (e.g. Steven Hays' current To Shin Do) and online especially via websites that sold entire curriculums, ranks, and teaching certificates (e.g. There was also endless politics by bickering, competing, stealing, & fighting amongst each other. As a consequence, he commenced to destroy it (s destruction) by twisting its principles since 1983.

He changed its system from the original Takamatsu-den (indicating the last real ninja, Takamatsu sensei who taught him) and named it Tenchijin (meaning heaven & earth) where San Shin No Kata (3 hearts form) now indicates 5 elements of self defense (more like self attack) without any of the elemental principles. Even Kihon Happo (basic 8) have nothing to do with the elemental principles anymore, and are just a bunch of grappling & striking techniques. 

Not only that, but they think there are 9 schools when there are actually only 6 surviving schools, only one of them of ninja origins (Togakure ryu) rest are samurai origins (Koto, Gyoko, Kuki Shinden, Takagi Yoshin, Shinden Fudo).

It does not end there, but people think that Ninjutsu is only about surviving - a highly unlikely - physical confrontation. Ninjutsu is actually another discipline for enlightenment, which partially aims to find others' weaknesses least for self survival, but most for helping others ascend by breaking their ego on their behalf. 

The term "os" ultimately comes from osi / oshi (push through) shinobu (stealth/endurance) implying the discipline of pushing through physical and mental (body-mind / ego self) resistance due to their imbeded duality / illusion of separation. There are other theories to where the term came from such as being short for "onegaishimasu" indicating willingness to reciprocate (in this case: pain) to each other (training), but that's the same meaning anyway.

The Body Mind Soul trinity afterall means maintainer creator Destroyer. The latter implying the destroyer of illusion of separation within the ego self / body-mind identity.

How does it liberate the attacker? It raises karma / erases karmic debts by going against the ego due to the pain (especially fear) of stealth and combat endured, and prevents suffering for others. How does it liberate the defended? It prevents their excess suffering which often leads to their descent (those who suffer usually become embittered therefore cause more suffering; take thugs for example) and leads by example (those who are loved tend to love others). How does it liberate the attacked, especially if assassinated? Aside from putting an end to the karma deficit pile up (due to the selfish atrocities against others), it instills peace by preventing wars, instills pain especially through fear and breaking pride.

Finally, they think that there are still samurai schools when they are all ultimately ninja schools because they were all passed on to actual ninja masters such as Momochi Sandayû, Hattori Hanzō's teacher. This is because when the feuds ended, daimyo (warlords) ended, therefore their samurai ended.

In 9 Element Takamatsu-den: San (3) Shin (hearts) is actually 3 pillars:
1) Go Dai (5 great) No Kata: 5 scenarios & 5 output organs / body - to keep body
2) Go Gyo (5 jewels) No Kata: 5 elements via 5 kata (forms), kamae (postures), sabaki (movement), and kokyū (breathing) - to remove body (form) / activate mind.
3) Self (Spirit / Consciousness / Unity / GOD): 4 more elements for Self realization to know the difference between mind (with its 5 input senses) & Soul - to remove body mind soul identification (following the ego to physically sensing & mentally thinking) and its duality (ego). This is why we practice San Shin No Kata.

You can understand Ninjutsu & the 9 elements more deeply via NDND's 9 elements guideMoWrOw's YouTube playlist (in descending order of information accuracy; there's still some Ten Chi Jin bullshit there sorry), MoWrOw's Photos album, & MoWrOw's Takamatsu den program compilation .

So he hid all knowledge about the elements that the Go Gyo No Kata was intended to reveal. He basically hid all the underlying principles so people became moronic mindless copy-pasting brain-dead zombies that simply copy entire sequences of movements without understanding their underlying concepts, and barely even knowing their techniques.

He made the sakki (intent / 5th element test) which apparently only tests the 5th sense (sense of sound) as godan (5th dan) without any of the previous dans aside from shodan (1st dan, which costs another approximately $350), and charges a ridiculous amount of money for its certificate (around a whopping $1000). Not only that, but ranks are continuously sold and multiply like limitless bunnies for no reason and with no test whatsoever.

(how ranks traditionally link to the 9 elements; red for feminines & green for masculines to balance out their natural tendencies for compassion & survival respectively - more info on brain balancing here)

Therefore, someone who has 5th dan which corresponds to 5 levels above 1st dan being 9th element (enlightened), doesn't even have 5th kyu (ego level 5) which corresponds to 4th element (air element) because they are not concerned with critical thinking / questioning due too much hardship (thinking is hard work). In fact, the lack of critical thinking shows the lack of the most important element of all: the feminine air element of empathy. As per the Left Hand Path, people who have not unlocked this element deserve to be punished.

Oh and did I mention they tend to be fat & lazy, weak, arrogant, annoying, mentally disorganized, materialistic, wretched & unethical, uncreative, & dimwitted, in ascending amount with rank? Ten Chi Jin basically encompasses viruses, and awards higher ranks for higher maliciousness.

Later he mocked his shihans (representatives), e.g. one poking fun at one of its "3 Kings"; Arnaud who I personally met and took a seminar with:

Witness more destruction of the destruction of spirituality (pictures from Bujinkan main dojo in Japan which I have unfortunately been to):

The funny thing is that Hatsumi can do all this and easily get away with it, because ego prevents people from having enough intelligence to realize it, and because following him, his system, & certificates means more profit because that's what people want: the "original" source, therefore all continue following him anyway.

Hatsumi tried to help people, but instead of using it for spiritual development, they used it for material acquisition therefore insulting the art & spirituality as a whole, and extending the suffering through more materialization of spirituality by the aid of the internet.

People do not deserve Ninjutsu, because they have also used this wonderful spiritual system as a way to satisfy their ego by being more materially driven therefore only extending suffering through politics, conflict, and separation. At least this wonderful art will no longer make any more business for its trainers.

However, even the old Takamatsu-den program currently has only 5 elements, which is no more than a mind system to over occupy the mind full of spiritually irrelevant ninja diarrhea along with non ending related Bujinkan politics. 

It only improves intelligence using the faculty of minimal thought (up to 5th element, & over emphasizing the 1st (survival) in combat & 2nd (food & companionship regarded as "love"), but still remains materially driven.

Therefore someone who has 1st dan which corresponds to 9th element (enlightened), doesn't even have 3rd kyu (ego level 3) which corresponds to 6th element (awareness) because they are not concerned with 6th Sense (predicting future) or No Mind (losing thoughts and sensations) thinking that not thinking (intuition, not to be confused with instinct) is being stupid. Therefore, when Ten Chi Jin has no elements therefore no San Shin No Kata (more like no No Kata), Takamatsu-den (barely) has only 2 of the 3 shown above (more like Ni No Kata). 

Do you know what's real funny? The dan ranks represent mastery of styles / schools (e.g. 1st dan for mastering Koto ryu) when it traditionally represents spiritual evolution (e.g. 1st dan for enlightened as shown above). It's completely mental, literally & figuratively. 

What I love most is the greatest paradox in existence: they say that survival is last in Ninjutsu (because self defense is no longer a priority in today's day and age), so self mastery is first, but then the teachers say that they enable students to guard their lives. This is only so that they have the justification to turn it into a business.

Not only that, but the teachers call Ninjutsu a skill, not a discipline evident by its name (Nin means endurance) and aim (enlightenment). This is only so they can trap their students in the realm of the mind by constantly working on the skill, when that is only the means to enlightenment, not the ultimate aim.

Also, they think that knowledge is supposed to be kept secret when it is only so because most people simply do not understand it even though it is always out there and often in a very attractive manner, just hidden in plain sight due to lack of spiritual development. What differentiates exoteric from esoteric is your readiness, not your greed. However, secrecy has also been necessary to avoid persecution because people have a knack to resist that which conflicts with them (check Satanism & Knights Templar) and during warfare to have an edge over enemies. Either way, ego in any manner should not be the motive to hide spiritual content because spirituality's aim is to eliminate the ego.

Until Takatmasu-den includes the remaining 4 elements, and until it stops being a tool for turning spirituality into materialism, it is of no true spiritual value, and will not aid in attaining liberation, therefore mostly only cause & perpetuate suffering.

Takamatsu-den organizations therefore claim to be the destruction of the destruction of the destruction (that is, destroyer of Ten Chi Jin, which was originally deployed to destroy Takamatsu-den) of Ninjutsu, but it is yet another politically divisive tool that only aids in the destruction of Ninjutsu, only this time in the guise of its savior.

Currently, to my knowledge ANY Ten Chi Jin or Takamatsu-den model school is primarily ego driven, and works by its Shihan (high level Sensei) charging money directly (to his students) and indirectly (students of his students, through his Senseis) mostly through annual seminars, exactly like a Pyramid / Multilevel / Network Marketing scheme!

Adding insult to injury, more of their dojos have become e-dojos, and started directly (to students of Senseis) aquiring profit through the internet, without the Sensei intermediary, even charging for ranks with crappy online tests, and charging rediculous amounts for its teacher certificates. This ends up costing more business from each already struggling Sensei due to Hatsumi's mindless central dojo's Ten Chi Jin Bujinkan in Japan.

People claim that martial arts is purely physical and technical and its primary (even only) aim is to win or survive a (highly unlikely) physical confrontation (i.e. a fight).

A Dojo is in par with a Temple or a Shrine, just like any Mosque / Church / Synagogue or any other house of worship and should be treated with dignity and respect, not used as a means for serving desires of the ego (therefore extending suffering) by extending materialism.

Martial arts are spiritual practise manifestations of religion (see, which are manifestations of spirituality. Spirituality is intended to go back to GOD / Unity / Oneness through enlightenment, not for ego & seperation.


www.NoDojo.Ninja for some No Dojo Ninja Dojo badass goodies :) & 9 Element Takamatsu Den Ninjutsu / Creative Calisthenics / 3LAW Yoga training (:

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Special thanks to guru Jinesh Narayanan, acharya Anoop Haridasan, sir John WoodroffeMaya Bashore bahan, Ajit Kurup bhai, Suhail Alameri bhai, Samar Hayat bhai, Sathyan Martin bhai, Nedeljko Asanin bhai, Shihan EssenceClumsy Ninja, and KARATEbyJesse in aiding in acquiring the knowledge & media :D

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