
Showing posts with the label sugar alternatives

all sugars SUCK! Well except for...

All sugars are basically evaporated cane or beet juice which are then cooled to crystalize, some less refined therefore with higher molasses (the nutritional part of sugar cane containing minerals and antioxidants) like brown sugar and muscovado therefore darker, but still high in calories and instantly processed in the same gush of insulin therefore increasing risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, various infections, and cancer. Healthy alternatives include stevia, xylitol, and erythritol, but should be moderated anyway as they do contain calories but a whole lot less (Xylitol 60%, Yacun 33%, Erythritol 6%, Stevia 0%) and can have laxative effects. BTW I found this incredibly delicious bread (well aside bolo de caco meaning cake of bread native to Madeira containing wheat flour and sweet potato flour): Pao Al Farro which is basically wheat with carrob flour, so damn tender and delicious, with no added sugar xD). Oh and other forms of healthy sugar alts include carrob and banana...