why Veganism is a disaster as a religion (form of spirituality)


There are many vegans for many reasons, so stay calm & have an open mind.

Veganism is a word used to differentiate it from vegetarianism by abstaining from animal products completely (vegetarian from V to N) especially in diet. It basically does not support the concept of animals as commodities, and is especially against dairy and eggs in a typical vegetarian diet (although traditionally eggs were not a part of it as they become animals once fertilised). Later it also excluded honey due to ethical reasons (it's not even that healthy by the way, except for healing perhaps).

Though the term was coined in 1944 by Donald Watson, the concept of flesh-avoidance can be traced back to ancient Indian and eastern Mediterranean societies, and is first mentioned by the Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras around 500 BCE. As you can see there was no such thing as animal agriculture back then nor probably back in 1944 (many cows just had diseases like Tuberculosis).

Therefore, it is meant as a natural, compassionate, pacifist, simplistic, and health choice, and again, is NOT an animal rights movement. Check http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/veganism & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veganism & https://time.com/3958070/history-of-veganism for evidence.

The problem nowadays is not so much meat consumption, it is having / wanting to much, and treating beings (including plants) like they don't have needs / feelings (well plant's consciousness is below single-body consciousness, but they still have consciousness in the manner of a species as one soul). It is being unnatural. It is also dairy & egg consumption ;]

Different ppl have different motives (e.g. ethics, allergy, taste, health, environment) to be vegan, so there are many kinds of vegans such as dietary, environmental, social, and moral. Being healthy has a lot to do with being ethical and a good person as a whole. The more motives there are to be vegan the more animals will be saved. However, yes it is mostly moral (not so much about health nor environment) due to animal agriculture.

Most people are tuned into WIIFM (what's in it for me) so they are a a little more primitive than caring for the world (esp. non humans otherwise other silly ways of division such as ethnicity & religion), so if you can prove veganism is better for them, then they are more likely to join its cause. Lead by example. Most ppl want to look & feel better so that should be the main selling point. People need to see that it is of benefit to them first, so it must be healthy.

Let's not bicker and fight over the smallest things; look at the common benefit & values. Veganism can save nature (including animals & humans) so help spread its COMMON values & benefits.


If you think about it, veganism does not absolutely save nature (therefore all creatures), it is being naturAL (& preferably supernatural). Here are 39 reasons why veganism is a complete failure as a religion:

1) Look at large scale farming and how it spoils the soil and biodiversity. This is especially the case with palm oil which generally destroys rain forests & orangutan habitats.

2) Look at chemical farming and how it poisons the soil, plants, and whatever eats them. Conventional (chemical / non organic) agriculture is responsible for a range of cancers, pains, endocrine disfunction, autism, ADHD, negative environmental impact especially reduced soil fertility and biodiversity.

3) Look at GMO farming and how it destroys the planet including animals and humans, sooner or later through exploitation (taking away livelihoods and jobs) or by disease (many forms of indirect torture by slow & painful death).

4) Look at mass manufacturing and how it destroys the environment (air especially)

5) Look at mass transportation (big airplanes esp.) and how it pollutes the environment (air especially)

6) Look at diesel & leaded oil transportation and how it pollutes the environment (air especially)

7) Look at mass mining and how it destroys the environment (water esp. from oil spills, land esp. from fracking)

8) Look at mass urban expansion including roads & buildings (esp. big) and how they destroy the environment (land especially)

9) Look at over-population (esp. dense); don't forget humans have a carbon foot-print much larger than that of animals’. A human nowadays causes an average of 5 tons of carbon a year.

10) Look at unnatural energy generation (nuclear power esp. accidents, oil power) and how it creates havoc to nature and what's inside it.

11) Look at over-consumption and how it creates pollution (e.g. apparel industry esp. fast fashion creates 10% of carbon footprint, dye pollutes 20% of water) and poverty when some choose to take it all and leave nothing (even remnants are thrown away) for others.

12) Look at ethno-centricity and how it creates imbalance between people, where some have everything and others have nothing. The main problem is imbalance in distribution, the resources are more than enough.

13) Look at war and how it creates MASS (almost total) destruction (of humans, animals, nature, and morale).

14) Look at all the chemicals in food. Just cause it's labelled vegan (free of meat & dairy) does not make it suitable for consumption. There are - aside from pesticides - excess gluten and just toxic chemicals (that lead to allergies & respiratory problems aside from cancer) for taste, preservation, and texture.

15) If being ethical is the only reason for being vegan then there would not be such a thing as ethical slaughter / actual halal or kosher (subjective & relative) treatment of animals for dairy or meat. A true vegan is vegan regardless of ethics. There are relatively better ways to consume meat from shelter to slaughter e.g. halal / kosher / scavenger / holy / accidental / mercy / survival / self defence greater-good killing. However, these are only entirely possible in NATURAL (including non captivity) conditions. 

(example of a halal slaughter)

16) Vegan in a climate and habitat like the Sahara or in Alaska (without the money or technology)? How is that a way of “living”? How can you save the world if you can’t save yourself? What about people who's livelihood depends on livestock? There are areas that are not suitable for vegetation with people that cannot afford buying it. Should they eat the little hay / grass they have instead? Besides, most (and increasingly more) of the world is oceans, and its plants are not easily edible nor accessible. Should they drink the salt water instead?

17) If veganism is the way then what about carnivores / omnivores (especially pets) that tend to eat meat (like cats and dogs)? Are they unethical too? If they are not then why would vegans support them?

18) What about vegans that live with non-vegans (and support, sometimes even buy animal products for) especially family? Are they really helping? To save animals then shouldn't they abandon them?

19) If you claim veganism is the (right / ethical) way then how are you supposed to reach out to non-vegan humans without offending / irritating them. by so doing kick back their pleasure instincts to consume meat / dairy again? People don't understand that consuming meat needlessly & unethically is wrong; they think they are following religion. Besides, you are even making it hard for passive / example vegans to be accepted.

20) You think animals (pets) wish to be treated as property? Dogs just need an alpha, which doesn't have to be human. You think they prefer to be indoors / in your crummy back yard? If nature was preserved enough then they wouldn’t have to be confined & controlled.

21) Plants do feel; everything - from humans to plants to water to walls not only have but are consciousness (more info here). Everything organic has "primary perception" (organic perception mainly for survival) to stimuli (from touch to strike to emotion) through feeling (the experience of emotion - energy in motion). Yes they may not have the same central nervous system to feel the same kind of pain, but plants exhibit pulses to immediately react / communicate. 

(Myth Busters prove that plants feel)

22) We are simply naturally suited to a plant (especially fruit) diet due to unnatural animal conditions & our biological make up. https://youtu.be/Ehlw-9PJkIE (Emoto: rice) / https://youtu.be/tAvzsjcBtx8 (Emoto: water) / https://youtu.be/yypzlyKL10A (human bio make up).

(herbivore v.s. carnivore)

23) Raising (while sheltering & feeding) animals (esp. in mass) has a very big carbon footprint which destroys nature, therefore it is most unnatural, and takes creatures' welfare with it.

24) Plants have the desire to live & grow too, and they have shown clear signs of it, so by cutting them you are cutting some of their freedom. Preferring to consume plants is just more simple & natural since they are more simple & natural since they have less wants & needs since they have less input senses and virtually no output organs.

25) A way of (specific) consumption as a way of life? Really? Nothing more meaningful to live by? A life based on - specific, never ending, and increasing - consumption?

26) Synthetic items don't harm nature (therefore its inhabitants)? It's still manufacturing which creates CO2 and takes nature therefore affects animals' welfare it's simple as that.

27) You know very well that the reason for animal agriculture is for maximizing profit (& resource control by phasing out small farmers). If you are an unhealthy / religious vegan then you will not only support the corporate food industry but also the medical and maybe even the weapons industry.

28) If it's an animal rights movement then what about meat eaters that have nothing to do with animal agriculture? There are people (e.g. Paleo) who eat very little (esp. meat, mostly for health reasons) but ensure it's organic, free-range, and usually stick to fish / egg. Minimalists (even meat eaters) have a lesser impact on nature than people who consume too much (including vegans).

29) Naturally / logically, we are not meant for dairy since our mothers stop producing milk after a certain age (we don't need that much fat & cholesterol after that). We are especially not meant for cow milk since we are much smaller - and are not quadruped! - than a cow. It is a matter of being natural. Same goes with egg: we are not meant to have hen periods same as we were never meant to have our mother's.

30) Let's face it, you cannot be an influence (through words / action, if any) if you're fat / skinny & sick. Take care of yourself first (be healthy - so ethical too), then take care of the world (in quality & quantity). Heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? It starts with taking care of physiological needs (health). "You can't save the world if you can't even save yourself". It's a matter of common sense.

Mowrad Rownak talks about the importance of protecting yourself before being able to protect (or influence) others

31) Animals, like humans, can (and do) compete over food & territory. Don't tell me you would not defend yourself by killing an animal if you had to. If you killed it then might as well use it for food / clothing (both superior in saving one's life from the cold).

32) Not all vegans are non-aggressive. They too can be violent, esp. with a closed holier-than-thou mind.

33) You want to turn it into another self-righteous religion? Does the world need more division? Don't all the wars open your eyes? "The further you progress, the fewer teachings there are. The Great Path is
really NO PATH." -Osensei Ueshiba Morihei

34) Animal agriculture <-- agriculture (not animal) is the keyword, a form of industrialism. There are other ways to destroy the planet besides consuming meat. There are other more subtle (and not so subtle) ways to harm animals other than physically harassing them. Animals are strongly connected to nature, so affecting nature almost directly affects animals.

35) Besides, methane gas (from animals) produces more pollution than automobiles or factories. Saving nature is not about not eating meat, it is about not eating too much meat. 

36) Humans have a significant harmful effect on nature due to their MANY destructive tendencies leading to (among other things) massive amounts of plastic dumped into the sea (research Pacific Garbage Patch now 3 times bigger than France) and possibly global warming leading to a rise in the sea levels leading to the projected sinking of entire cities.

37) It is better for humans to live naturally (near animals) and in the process defend themselves (especially from predators or territorial animals) than have to burn down forests to make room for massive monocrop plant agriculture.

38) Being vegan still entails following the senses / thoughts therefore being the sensing / thinking ego mind, especially if it is tasty (following the senses for utterly selfish pleasure). The only way to liberation from ego mind (true spirituality) is meditation (objectively observing) the senses and thoughts therefore not following them. Spirituality therefore is only truly valid if it comes out of intuition, conscience and dharma (moral duty) to alleviate others of suffering. When it comes to food, it is more about avoiding gluttony simply by taking what you need; eat to live not live to eat, and sometimes eating meat is needed to live.

39) The root of the problem is greed (lack of being simple, whole, & natural) by both the corporates and the consumers (especially the former) which leads to info (nowadays especially through media especially live and recorded multimedia) wars therefore idealogy wars:

a) Contemporary (non natural) thinking: people are lead to believe (by publications backed by corporations) that meat eating is essential for health & survival (carnism)

b) Traditional (non natural) thinking: people have a habit of meat eating. It is instilled into culture and tradtion therefore dividing people up and not giving them the ability to realize & think for themselves. It may have been necessary (in certain areas) due to lack of technological advancements.

c) Egoistic (non natural) thinking: people have a habit of seeking pleasure, then having – and still wanting – too much (non  natural / simple thinking). Work on yourself first.


If you want to be an extremist vegan by making veganism into another self-righteous holier-than-thou movement (or religion), then you are only damaging veganism & vegans therefore the world too. The last thing we need is more conflict and chaos. Veganism is meant to be pacifist (not so much a resistance) and abstaining (more simple) oriented.

I am not saying veganism does not save animals or the envrionment, I am saying it is not the absolute solution. What is? Being natural, and preferably supernatural.

By being natural there is no industrial farming (mass nor chemical) nor GMO nor other natural destruction (for urbanism or excavation) nor meat eating for the most part (subject to terrain, climate, & technology) nor over-consumption nor wastage etc.

Even unecessary meat eating will be abolished due to its long term negative health effects due to the need for it to be processed and its related over consumption of land and crops. Even fish will be mostly set aside knowing the rampant current existence of parasites and toxins in the sea aside from its similar long term negative effects on the body.

More importantly: being natural is being in touch with your inner nature by being simple and consuming less and less, by being more focused on ideas/concepts and values/principles, not idealogies and movements that often create chaos and conflict.

We have to always be conscious of our decisions, cause even though veganism certainly has a lesser impact, it still is imperfect and does negatively impact nature therefore plants & animals. The trick is to constantly be the best we can be while influencing others along the way. The formula is "Be, Do, Have" not "Have, Do, Be".

Being supernatural (enlightened) means automatically & effortlessly influencing others with high vibrations that would enable them to automatically know what is right. Even rhetoric (the ability to sell / convince) will be a lot more likely to make a difference because efficiency, understanding, and intelligence will be boosted with spiritual development. More importantly, the example will be well set.

A good place to learn to be natural (therefore supernatural) is https://nodojoninja.blogspot.com/2021/01/9elements.html .


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Special credits to Food Revolution, Dictionary.com, Wikipedia.org, Time.com, and Mowrad Rownak Flowrendo for aiding in acquiring the knowledge :D
