hail seitan! veganism & ninja & "civilization"

Ninja must weigh 60kg or less!
Ninja performed espionage in attics and under floors, made deft movements, and practiced camouflage, among other things. To be able to lift 60kg in training is to be able to lift oneself, including hanging from ceilings.

Foods eaten by the ninja
For health, ninja avoided meat, fish, dairy, and sugars in favor of a diet centered on whole-grain rice and vegetables. Also, to avoid being detected when sneaking or hiding, they avoided foods that might lead to body odor.

Ninja clothing
Jet-black would cause the form to stand out in the light of the moon, so a dark navy blue dying method was usually used.

Source: https://www.iganinja.jp/en/about/igaryu.html

(Mowrad Rownak Flowrendo explains the link between veganism and spirituality esp. martial arts)

Just cause we CAN eat meat doesn't mean we have to; humans can consume a lot of crazy shit (like sand, urine, milk - after infancy - and .. hen periods - egg - and even metal) but the question is what is optimal for both the human & ecosystem?

Farming is definitely not as good as eating from the wild and though we were hunter gatherers, we were mostly gatherers. Also, herders had completely different conditions for their herd, while farmers did not use chemical pesticides.

Plant Agriculture (although preferably with natural pest repellents - like basil, garlic, and marigold - as that also otherwise pollutes the soil & waters as well also killing insects & animals) is way closer to our nature than Animal Agriculture.

It's just a question of the most natural alternative, and just cause there were practises like rape and slavery in all "civilizations" doesnt mean they have to continue.

As technology progresses (therefore enables massive instant & invisible destruction through money) we also must balance by progressing spirituality in tandem otherwise it's over.

By the way, dairy is very not only unnatural & nonsensical (why are you having it after infancy???) but also very unhealthy as it contains massive amounts of puss, bacteria, lactose, saturated fat, sodium, growth hormones (especially in a farm factory), raises estrogen (yes not soy milk does that, dairy milk does that) which would ultimatley raise chances for cancer & stroke.

It is also really unethical because it keeps the mother cow force fed, continuously force impregnated (raped, so it would give birth to lactate / produce milk), and confined for its whole life.

(although animals are not conscious of being more than bodies, they have more mind because of 5 input senses and more body because 5 output organs, and a nervous system identical to that of humans)

Not only that, but it is immensely destructive to nature as it heavily supports animal agriculture and that requires massive amounts of land for livestock & its feed. It takes around 10 times more plant agricultural input (livestock feed) for 1 unit of animal based output (meat & dairy), around 1/2 the total plant agricultural yields (harvest) go to feed animals which is then mostly wasted anyway, and livestock consume more than our entire current population. More info on veganism and sustainability

Just as we better go for products & services as directly as possible without the middleman of man (who naturally exploits you & nature & its inhaitants due to the system and ego in general) through hunting gathering (mostly the latter) otherwise agriculture (NOT the animal type) otherwise DIY, we better go for energy directly through the sunlight & plants that animals have consumed, and even better directly to the air & sunlight that the plants have consumed.

Don't think going vegan is possible? Oh it is, and trust me, no one ever died of protein difficency (even if it was protein defficient, which it surely is not).

Heck, veganism is healthier than vegetarianism, omnivorism and especially carnivorism. However, there are some guidelines to follow to ensure the nutrients in a vegan diet are absorbed here along with more reasoning on why to take up veganism. Check this out:

Magnesium is very important for bone health by the way

Don't think eating air is possible? Oh it is; check out https://nodojoninja.blogspot.com/2021/02/Breatharianism-eat-air-prana-diet.html to see how .

As Ajit Kurup once said "Every human has had milk in their lives (mother's), not her vaginal ejecta on her periods." (in reference to eggs).


www.NoDojo.Ninja for some No Dojo Ninja Dojo badass goodies :) & 9 Element Takamatsu Den Ninjutsu / Creative Calisthenics / 3LAW Yoga training (:

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Thanks to guru Jinesh NarayananAjit Kurup bhai, Umar3518 bhai, Food Revolution, and Ninja Museum of Igaryu for aiding in acquiring the knowledge & media :D

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