Theist v.s. Atheist, Gnostic v.s. Agnostic, God v.s. Soul, Energy v.s. Matter, Adam v.s. Eve, Eco v.s. Ego

Theist v.s. Atheist & Gnostic v.s. Agnostic

(faith in ascending order: Gnostic Atheist to Gnostic Theist)

I don't believe in GOD, as an ego or individual. I believe (and know) that He is the complete opposite: the omnipresent omnipotent and omniscient united & uniting unknowable that manifested the material world through the mind through various levels of manifest, especially through Adi (the first) / Adam (human) as Shiva. He even referred to Himself through Gautama as Buddha, Jesus as Christ, and Gabriel as Allah. He also expressed Himself through various miracles through prophets such as Hanuman, Solomon, and Moses.

If God is separate then things are separate then senses become source of happiness which is infidelity all over again. When nothing is separate, everything is same, therefore senses are no longer given preference, therefore inner therefore outer peace is achieved. People that believe God is separate are not theists, but egoists.

How do I know? I have met people that have experienced The Unknowable and I experienced Him through them and their energy, aside from having various visions of Me not being in this body & mind. Since He is beyond the mind, the experience of Him is subjective (different for every person) and cannot be explained by words of the mind.

More important than your faith (and I speak from experience) is aspiration: the more you go with the ego self the more you become it therefore the more you suffer, and the less you go with it (not only through morals, but endurance and renunciation) i.e. go with the Self the closer you are to The One therefore the more you experience Him through feelings of bliss and oneness (love) for all thoughts, feelings, actions, animate objects (plants, people, animals) and inanimate objects. However, just as the part (self) cannot exist without the Whole (Self), the Whole cannot exist without the part; All is One.

In other words, to have non duality (non separation between senses & thoughts), then you must have a measure of non dualism (non separation from Source essence).

However, an atheist is more accurately one who does not believe in therefore worship any God(s), not necessarily does not believe in something beyond the 5 senses of the 5 elements. A more accurate word for one who does not believe in anything beyond the senses is infidel.

Either way, what matters most is not even aspiration (although that and faith in the power of the elements especially a Higher Power beyond the first 5 in control of effect based on action helps), but detachment not only from life, but also from one's spiritual practice method, otherwise one becomes self-righteous and involves politics therefore distancing not only himself from God, but others from the method (therefore from God also). 

By total detachment, one loses the fear of losing anything through knowing Self void of ego self (separate identity especially as body-mind) therefore liberation, especially through a meditative state (a non desiring middle way) obtained by sadhana (discipline) through constant surrender. Higher self (Self) implies God being inseparable therefore Us.

There are 4 main kinds of theism: polytheism (e.g. Vaishnavism of Hinduism & Shintoism), pantheism (e.g. Buddhism & Shamanism), monotheism (e.g. Shaivnavism of Hinduism & Islam & Christiantiy), and panentheism (e.g. Hasidic Judaism & Native American). However, they all have different methods of representing the various attributes of and worshipping the one Unknowable Ultimate Unity.

Atheism is also another method, one without a prayer or prostration style of worship, but better include surrender: renunciation and endurance in one form or another. Either way, it is about becoming more than just a dividing & separate ego, it is about becoming an all loving & connected Nothing.

So how strong is thy faith on a scale of 1 to 4?

GOD v.s. Soul

One thing is for sure for everyone: You are what powers this body & mind, and He powers You until and after You know who you truly are, for He (God) is the Most High You (God). He is You, upon Self realization (losing the notion that you are a - decreasingly - seperate body, mind, or soul) by raising your consciousness or awareness or observance or frequency / attaining a bigger portion of Source therefore losing the notion of separation through losing the false impression of individuality or egoism. Therefore, an idol is not only a representation of God, but as something to use to become (to realize to be) God, just like a role model.

God cannot truly be explained in pictures (or words, or symbols) because those still involve the senses of the mind, and the mind only knows physicality through them, but He is beyond physicality. He can only be understood by spiritual experience. Therefore, it's a matter of perspective, not explanation.

God is You, without the illusion of separation. Ultimately both are same energy. Thinking that god is seperate is dualism of the ego talking. Technically, saying "my God" is almost as false as saying "my Soul". However, it is perfectly fine to seperate God as an idol (such as Shiva Lingam / Cross / Kaaba / Baphomet / Sun / Ninja / Nature / Ancestors / Greats of Past / etc.) but He is not small enough to be some little invisible individual hovering up in heaven; ones who believe that are not theists but egoists. The more enlightened you are the more you experience the highest version of You (God).

The more you advance spiritually, the more your perspective gets polished to see that you are not just a drop in the Ocean, but the entire Ocean in a drop. In other words, instead of being a human experiencing the Universe, you see that you are the Universe experiencing itself through a human. In other words, instead of being in the body / mind / universe, you see that those are actually in you, for everything is energy / consciousness, including you, and you simply realize that increasingly clearly. More info on that here.

God is merely the highest level of consciousness due to complete detachment. Soul is attached therefore possessive of mind / character (therefore with the tendency to change or choose it, like an actor), but God is detached from everything, and liberation is the realization of that freedom from any role due to utter detachment. Meditation (endurance or renunciation) enables detachment which enables clearing karmic debts which enables Self / God realization therefore liberation. Consiousness is otherwise known as love or heart, because it is originally non dual therefore non separating therefore non attaching therefore non desiring awareness.

Once awakening has woken up to itself through you, You, just like the universe - one or a million stars - are always complete and yet also always becoming. Everything is completely perfect and always becoming completely perfect. From being an embodied soul, you become an embodied liberation ... the embodiment of the unknown. You realize you are the void.

More info on GOD (including its etymology) here

"When you know your Self you know God, and when you know God you know your Self."

"God is within you, and you are within God."

ego self is slave, Soul self is free, SPIRIT self is liberation;
ego resists, Soul persists, SPIRIT surrenders.

1) body is physical (flesh, bone, blood) made up of and resides in the earth leading to seperating them through the 5 input senses and interacts with it by the 5 output organs. The body interacts with Spirit through life force (ki / chi / prana).

=== bridge to mind: thoughts ===

2) Soul is psychological (mind, emotions, willpower) where the ego self resides in the Soul Self leading to seperating them through observation of its effects on the mind therefore body. The mind interacts with SPIRIT through sub-conscious.

=== bridge to SPIRIT: heart ===

3) SPIRIT is spiritual (transfer, conscience, intuition) where Holy Spirit resides in the human spirit leading to uniting them whereby the human spirit becomes the voice of the Holy Spirit (GOD).

=== bridge between body, Soul & SPIRIT: awareness (6th element) ====

In other words:
1) In body: opposites attract (sex / physical union) & no thinking (laziness) & no systems (hate). E.g. male & female sexual intercourse.
2) in mind: like attracts like, thinking & systems. E.g. responding negatively leads to more negativity, 2 people with same nationality / language / religion / mentality like each other.
3) in spirit: (without the ego) opposites attract, no thinking (intuition) & no systems again. E.g. lower brainwave frequencies (higher contentment) lead to higher energy frequency results (law of attraction), and positive leads to negative and vice versa.

Being degenerate is due to attachment to bodies / objects of the senses. Being human is due to attachment to the denser earth (survival & smell), water (pleasure & taste), & to some extent the fire (order & sight) elements. Being soul is due to attachment to the higher elements of air (empathy & feeling) & ether (intuition & hearing) and to some extent, fire. Being Spirit is due to complete detachment.

Goto to find out how to know who You are.

Energy v.s. Matter / Shiva v.s. Shakti

Shiva Lingam representing Lingam (male / energy) being in Yoni (female / matter) )

Father Spirit (God, more accurately Shiva / Allah / Christ / Ruach HaKadosh / unknowable Darkness etc.) is attributed as male and Mother Nature (the origin of Shakti / knowable Light) as female because unmanifest is always in manifest, consciousness is always within unconsciousness, and energy always is in matter which is also reflected in intercourse (male in female; as within so without). 

This is symbolized by the Shiva Lingam where the phallus / pole / "penis" (all pervading rising unmanifest) of Shiva is in the yoni / container / "vagina" (all containing falling manifest) of Shakti. Shiva is that which is not perceivable by the senses / united (Unmanifest Truth) and Shakti is all energy perceivable by the senses / seemingly separate (manifest maaya). Upon enlightenment, one realizes that matter is energy, and Shiva is Shakti.

By the way Vedanta refers to enlightenment by leaving life (pleasure, wealth, and duty) to meditate (soul to Spirit) and possibly enjoy nature. Tantra refers to attaining liberation within life (as in regular, not to be confused with attachment therefore desire / resistance of the ego) itself (matter to Spirit) therefore better influencing others. However they both are ultimately about uniting Shiva & Shakti / unmanifest & manifest, Lingam & Yoni / spirit & matter, masculine & feminine to experience God / Oneness / Unity.

You can get more info especially about Tantra Sastra (system manual of Kali Yuga) from by having a ko-fi :)

More info about the elements @ & more info about the Shiva Lingam and its Tripundra (3 lines) representing GOD, 3 meridians, 3 gunas @ .

Adam v.s. Eve & Snake

(the yin & yang here correspond to lower, not higher / brain channel / meridian which are actually opposite)

After the ego of the mind split unmanifest Shiva or lingam energy into manifest Shakti or matter yoni, there would appear to be the duality of the 2 polar opposites: white & black / good & evil / male & female / Adi (first / morning) & Eve (second / evening). The fact that Eve came out of Adam (human) implies that there had to be unmanifest to reflect manifest and it also implies the order of the day: morning then night / seasons: spring then winter.

This is best represented by the I Ching of Taosim of Lao Tzu:

The fact that feminine is represented as black / down is only because the highest element is air therefore must descend to balance. Yet, it is also represented by the falling elements of earth and water because it denotes body-mind / manifest, which is of a lower consciousness with lower desires.

The opposite applies to masculine which is represented as white / fire / up because the highest element is fire therefore must ascend to balance. Yet, it is also represented by the rising elements of fire and air because it denotes soul / unmanifest, which is of a higher consciousnesses with higher desires.

Also, female is naturally attracted to light colors such as pink, and male is naturally attracted to dark colors such as black because like attracts like.

In terms of Kundalini that travels through channels / meridians: masculine is associated with the elements earth (survival), fire (bravery), while feminine with water (cooperation), air (empathy). Masculine and feminine are associated with ether (intuition) as that is formless and neither with 3rd eye (soul) as that is beyond mind.

Masculine is actually evil at a higher element (fire), and feminine is equally (or possibly even more so) evil at a lower element (water). Good and evil exist in both masculine and feminine in both male and female. In fact, all life necessitates selfishness therefore some level of evil, manifesting in feminine or masculine, in male or female. The trick is detach from life therefore especially from the good (simple masculine earth / kind feminine air), because it is that attachment to the good that makes us resist (therefore cause / be attached to) the evil (aversive feminine water / vindicitive masculine fire) in life 🧬. 

In fact, evil is necessary for good because they are both complementary concepts & lead to one another. They are complementary because good is the lack of evil just as dry (masculine good / earth) is the lack of wet (feminine evil / water) and cold (feminine good / air) is the lack of hot (masculine evil / fire). 

Good & evil lead to one another because evil actually leads to good just as the ability to be good (heal / save) being feminine air (cold) element is due to the presence of evil (sexual) energy being feminine energy water (wet) element, and also gives the ability to be evil (protective) being masculine harmonious fire (hot) element . In the same way, the ability to be evil (punish / control) being masculine fire (hot) element is due to the ability to be good (austere / simple) being masculine earth (dry) element, and also gives the ability to be good (kind / caring) being a feminine air (cold) element. 

Each of us has a dominant side (masculine or feminine) which causes us to suffer. The feminine in us helps us be happy, cooperative, empathetic, and kind so we can ascend (win in Spirit), while the masculine helps us survive, be strong, smart, and successful so we can descend (win in life). Both are important and some effort should be made to balance them, if not within ourselves (many methods can be found here) then with the help of others (friends / mates / coworkers) that have the elements we lack.

Masculine naturally craves inner peace (good earth) and war (evil fire), while feminine craves outer peace (good air) and life (evil water).

Sun ☀️ represents the lower feminine & higher masculine: the power to heal & restore the world via the air element. However, sun is also the manifestation of masculine unmanifest / yang representation fire into divine feminine, while the complementary earth is the representation of feminine manifest / yin into divine masculine.

Did you ever stop to see how the flaming red egg of space radiates and shines? Without it... one cannot even begin to see the dry rugged terra firma we joyously dwell upon. And yet, She does not say: hey you owe me. Such a love truly lights up the whole world.

Moon 🌕 represents the lower masculine & higher feminine, with the power to protect & harmonize the world via the fire element. However, moon is also the manifestation of masculine unmanifest / yang representation air into divine masculine, while the complementary ocean is the representation of feminine manifest / yin into divine feminine.

Did you ever stop to see how the unevenly odd white rock of space balances the cold, dark, and soft ocean? It gravitates it into a state of constant ebb and flow. The water does not complain though, because it knows that without these ups and downs, life would seize to exist.

However, the lower tendency is the easiest: females for water (life), and males for earth (inner peace).

Generally, females have longer drive (tend to endure more quantity therefore have more span), but males have stronger drive (tend to endure more intensity therefore have more power). This is proven by red (sun / female sex color) periods & muscles specialized being specialized for endurance, and white (moon / male sex color) sperm & muscles being specialized for explosiveness. 

This is because like Mother Nature, females are basically here to support life, therefore not only desire to procreate more often (in quantity), are more conflict & combat averse, but also desire offspring more. 

However, not only do both genders display the material illusion of separation (deep inside they are same.. energy), but both are imperfect when separate; man has female traits and vice versa. Both are ultimately One. More info on genders here.

The snake / serpent is basically the Kundalini (kunda as in pit of the brain where you find coils) Shakti (power) that lead to the manifestation of matter due to the ego (egg open) of the mind that split God (one egg energy). The descending root serpent is also referred to as Lucifer (ego / fall / Spirit to matter), while the ascending crown serpent as Christ (God / salvation / matter to Spirit).

The snake in Adam & Eve's story is a metaphor for the descending Kundalini Shakti (serpent power) which due to following the false ego self (in this case the physical senses of body self), consciousness descends from Spirit to soul to mind to body. The lower it goes the more the suffering.

In fact, as long as the world is taken as manifest Shakti (illusion) rather than unmanifest Shiva (Truth), the Kundalini itself actually becomes a serpent that secretes poisonous venom which causes aging, until the 5th chakra (intersection) and the related kurma nadi (turtoise meridian) are activated to turn it from poison of degeneration into nectar of immortality (divine wine) at the same 5th chakra, which happens to be blue. This nectar actually gives one the ability to live without food or water, and to a big extent even oxygen.

However, Lucifer is actually the light bearer, because he gives you challenges / enticements to respond right to in order to ascend. Whether you ascend or descend is your choice really, but it is easier to do so when the tides are tough, if you respond right (by the aid of spiritual practice, especially discipline training (sadhana)). This is unfortunately because the more we have access to pleasure, the more we indulge therefore descend, so challenges (temptations and especially problems) actually aid us in ascension by limiting our indulgence while requiring our ascension either to overcome (surrender desire) or to avoid (renunciate desire).

The snake shape technically is the 2 nadies / meridians / energy channels (negative Ida and positive Pingala) that coil to meet at the 5th chakra / element / intersection / energy center from each side to finally all meet along with the center Sushumna meridian at the 6th / 3rd eye / soul / consciousness chakra. By the way did you know the Kundalini also strongly resembles a DNA helix, and is similar to the 33 back bone vertebrae? The physical always reflects the spiritual. 

Eco v.s. Ego / Spirit v.s. Individuality

Eco / Spirit is all about unity & equality therefore peace, bliss, & prosperity, and ego / individuality is all about separation & superiority therefore conflict, stress, & poverty.

You have no enemies: not your thoughts, not your feelings, not your events, not your family, not your friends, and not even your "enemies" / opponents / competitors. Your only enemy is the ego

To destroy it you destroy all individuality therefore desire therefore resistance therefore attachment therefore stress therefore sin therefore all manifested evil that only would otherwise perpetuate and further destroy the world.

Everything (from religion to books to rocks to pebbles to money to a hair) has two sides (good & evil) and can be used for or against ego, be it through good or evil. Ego does not lead to evil, it leads to the separation between good & evil, both of which are One (as shown in the I Ching graph above). It is that separation that perpetuates evil, not evil itself. Without evil there cannot be good, so if you resist evil you resist good.

Don't believe that you as the ego self has a huge negative impact, without even having to do actual physical harm? Check out at the bottom.


www.NoDojo.Ninja for some No Dojo Ninja Dojo badass goodies :) & 9 Element Takamatsu Den Ninjutsu / Creative Calisthenics / 3LAW Yoga training (:

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Special credits to Google Imagesguru Jinesh NarayananAnoop Haridasan acharya, sir John Woodroffe, swami Satyananda Saraswati, Sathyan Martin, & Immortal Talks in aiding in acquiring the knowledge & media xD
