3 methods to be the divine & how it is actually everything
All matter has ego (lower consciousness) that both manifests and protects it basically by making it desire pleasure over pain, and your pleasure means your or someone (or thing) else's (therefore your own, due to cause & effect) pain.
3 proven methods (in descending importance) to rise to one's potential of being divine consciousness:
1) endurance of the pains and problems of life.
This is done by surrendering desire during shortcomings by mindfulness (generally over the 5 senses: the source of destiny through character) or concentrative (on a certain sense such as feeling of breath) meditation, moving (boring or painful or both) or standing / sitting still (boring or boring & painful) to realize Self by disidentifying from the mind and its thoughts & senses. Either way, it is about being neutral Spirit through non dual middle way (neither higher / fight / fire / future mind nor lower / flight / water / past mind) towards thoughts & sensations.
In NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), this is called Modeling, as in replicating the desired state, in this case being the centered & objective observing consciousness therefore closeness therefore being / uniting with the Divine.
The more painful it is the more it is aimed at life by endurance, survival, health, wealth, pleasure, confidence, financial freedom, intelligence, strength, flexibility, skill, success, control, heroism, & surrendering desire during shortcomings.
The more boring it is the more it is aimed against life by renunciating desire (even during possible shortcomings) to minimize problems. "Lose the battle, not the war"; that is, it is more important to be in a present meditative state (to fully & objectively experience then endure the effects of selfish indulgence) than it is to renunciate.
The more formless (less memory), thoughts & senses the spiritual practice the better it is spiritually (ascension) because it has nothing to do with desire (not even the higher one of gaining knowledge nor skill nor better physique), and minimizes energy lost through thoughts, senses, & movement.
However, the more conceptual & painful the better it is physically & mentally (for ego self's higher desires) for life because that improves knowledge, creativity, logic, & discipline for surrender to the pain (due to attachment) of problems or changes, aside from enhancing the body which naturally influences the mind. That's not wrong though because as long as we exist then we desire then we better improve, if for nothing then for our survival & dharma (duty).
In NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), this is called Mirroring, as in having role models / idols that one can be influenced by to aid in being the best version of themselves (if not being the ego-less God: being liberated) in order to aid in overcoming the desires of the ego, especially the lower ones.
Consciousness is Everything
Don't believe everything is consciousness therefore feels emotion?
1) Dr. Masaru Emoto proved that water (and rice) changes its molecular structure depending on one's thoughts. Watch the video below for evidence:
2) Double Slit Experiment shows that electrons change structure from waves (that cause interference pattern) when not being watched to particles (that shoot straight) when being watched. Watch the video below for evidence:
3) photons attach themsleves to DNA in a jar and change according to the DNA according to one's emotions, contracting upon tension, and expanding upon relaxation. There are other experiments done with plants that change their pulses according to one's emotions and stimuli. There are entire trees that are cut down by regularly exposure to negative human thoughts & emotions.
Also, experiments prove that plants do feel, but have much more limited senses therefore desires. Even though plants and raw elements are also consciousness, they are non-sentient; they have no actual consciousness of existance, not even as bodies.
Yes everything not only has, but is consciousness, for God / Energy / Divinity is omnipresent (every where), omniscient (all knowing), and omnipotent (all powerful).
How Consciousness Manifests
What form one takes depends on the 3 gunas (qualities, whereby a particular mixture of gunas makes a basal temperament)
1) tamasic: earth element, ignorance, darkness, destructive, chaotic / involution / reveal matter <-- static concept
2) rajasic: fire element, passion, active, confused / revolution / activate energy <-- dynamic concept
3) satavic: air element, goodness, brightness, constructive, harmonious / evolution / suppress matter <-- static concept
Depending on the guna based on the activity of the rajas (which sets the inner elements / chakras / wheels in motion), the embodied soul takes up a form of ascending consciousness from inorganic to organic (plant to insect to animal to human) to Divine. Human is the only one that can fully activate the satavic guna to have complete consciousness therefore realize to be consciousness itself (i.e. God / Spirit / Energy / Divinity).
It is actually more accurate to use the term evolution (as in outwards, of matter) for tamasic energy and the term involution (as inwards, of matter) for satavic energy, but the reverse was used in this case because it refers to energy, not matter.
Another way to say the same thing is: E = m c-squared where E is satavic, m is tamasic, c is rajasic. In other words, matter to energy realization is achieved by having protons & electrons equal by being neutral (neutron) therefore completing the atom / energy consciousness.
Shiva Lingam .. the ultimate symbol of the Divine
The Tripundra (3 lines with center dot) in the phallus above represents 3 things:
1) GOD (Generator Operator Destroyer) where the red center dot emphasizes operator since energy is never generated nor destroyed. In fact, GOD / Shiva is beyond the Trimurti / holy triad of Brahma (generator / mind), Vishnu (operator / body), and Shankar / Mahesha (destroyer / soul) because GOD is beyond the mind's senses therefore mental knowledge.
2) The 3 meridians of activity / external / attraction to pleasure (left), inactivity / internal / aversion to pain (right), and consciousness / neither (center), where the center red dot emphasizes consciousness ( Element 6 also represented by a bindi i.e. red dot on the 3rd eye of the forehead). It therefore also means observe (soul consciousness) over subject (mind consciousness) over object (body consciousness), then beyond.
3) The aforementioned 3 qualities of consciousness where the middle rajasic (revolution / activation) minimizes the tamasic (involution / darkness) to activate the satavic (evolution / light), then beyond.
It could also mean the 3 pillars of enlightenment: God realization intent, 5 elements modeling methods, and 5 elements mirroring methods.
Shiva Lingam is actually the key to unlocking the power of Shiva, which is usually done through mantra sadhana (chanting discipline training).
Enlightenment is unity between Shiva (the unknowable unmanifest or that which is not) / Lingam (energy / male) and Shakti (knowable manifest by the senses / that which is) / Yoni (matter / female). This denotes the realization that manifest is made up of unmanifest (deep inside), and that energy / male (soul & Spirit) and matter / female (body & mind) are One. This is because any manifestation is Shakti which is maaya which is cause for illusion of separation, and enlightenment is the realization that it is in fact Shiva (no illusion of separation) by its ascent then descent into Shakti to turn it into an avatar (image or manifestation of God). This is also called Self realization / followed by samadhi (integration).
Shiva literally comes from Siva which comes from Sivandha meaning red denoting blood denoting both life & death (non duality). Shakti literally roughly means light energy (which matter is made up of). However Shiva is Shakti, which is perceivable only upon enlightenment. This is because Shakti makes things seem seperate which leads to ego (identification as body mind), when that is an illusion because All (Shakti) is One (Shiva).
Consciousness in Gender
You can see the yearning for feminine-concept manifest Shakti / matter Yoni to unite with masculine-concept unmanifest Shiva / energy Lingam in the lower frequency / higher density craving for sexual intercourse. Both genders desire to fornicate because they are simply reflecting that higher spiritual yearning for unity in a lower physical form. As above so below, as within so without.
Gender in Elements
In terms of gender: male is closely associated with the elements earth (survival) and fire (ambition), while female with water (adaptation) and air (compassion). However, male denotes energy while female denotes matter because energy is always in matter which is also reflected in intercourse / procreation because as above so below, as within so without. Also, female elements are predominantly right brain (higher ultimate element: air), while male elements are predominantly left brain (higher ultimate element: fire).
Sometimes, water is placed in the yoni as the "vagina" to represent the falling female-concept manifest that veils (due to the illusion of separation of the mind) yet reveals (through experience & introspection) the fire placed under the lingam as the phallus / "penis" which represents the rising male-concept unmanifest. The same applies to earth & air respectively.
Consciousness in Geometry
All matter is based on geometry which is based on the elements based on consciousness in this order: Conciousness (point) -> Movement (line / emotion = energy in motion) -> Expanded Consciousness (1 cell) -> Vesica Pisces (2 cells) -> Holy Trinity (3 cells) --> Seed of Life / Genesis Pattern (6 cells) -> Egg of Life (8 cells) -> Fruit of Life (13 cells) ...
--> 5 Platonic Solids [fire / tetrahedron (4 sides), earth / hexahedron (6 sides), air / octahedron (8 sides), ether / dodecahedron (12 sides), water / icosahedron (20 sides)] -> Metadron's Cube (all 5 Platonic Solids) ...
-> Star Tetrahedron (Merkaba / 2 tetrahedrons inversely combined) -> Torus (constant energy flow) -> Tree of Life -> 64 Star Tetrahedron (expansion / collapse / stillness) -> Flower of Life -> Vector Equilibrium (cubeoctahedron / vaccuum energy / 12 around 1) -> Point (consciousness).
Consciousness in Astrology
Interestingly enough, the order of 5 elements in geometry is exactly the same as the order of the 5 elements in astrology:
Anti clockwise (starting with Aries):
By the way, the order of the months is not quite right. Originally, as you can see above the year starts with Aries being a first fire sign, which now corresponds to April (18th to be accurate) not March (due to earth's tilt the north star is now Polaris, no longer Thuban). You can even prove there is something wrong by the Latin root of the words: September (Septem = 7 not 9), October (Octo = 8 not 10), November (Novem = 9 not 11), December (Decem = 10 not 12). This is because the year used to start 2 entire months later (in March!!!). This unscientific change was due to politics and mythology however.
Also, the number of the months is not quite right. There are 13 months, although one of them has only a small part of the sun covering the earth's ecliptic on the celestial sphere to make 30° with each degree at 1.014 days making 365 of revolution around earth. This odd month should be Scorpio because it is only is in the ecliptic for 1 week, so if we were to have only 12 months then it is the one to be removed, and replaced with the currently unknown Ophiuchus (the snake hunter). No wonder Scorpion is always mad!
However, that is per astronomy, which does not consider signs (a determinant of character therefore fate) but constallations (an arrangement of stars in earth's sun's background), and includes the earth's tilt, which makes the sun's constellations to appear delayed by 1 month every 2,000 years. Astrology is a different science though, so no need to panic about losing your Scorpio title because Ophiuchus was never considered a sign.
However, astronomy should still be used when determining when Aries starts therefore the actual new year, and still should be considered when trying to understand what constellation therefore element influences your character therefore destiny.
Interestingly enough, by studying astronomy one can see that the planets mimic the chakras / inner elements as decreasingly dense. There are 4 solid terrestrial planets (Earth, Mars, Venus, Mercury) then 4 giant planets made up of 2 semi-solid ice planets (Neptune & Uranus) and finally 2 non-solid gas planets (Saturn & Jupiter). Also, some of the planets are positively charged / masculine (e.g. Mars / fire element) as opposed to negatively charged / feminine (e.g. Venus / water element). In fact, the billions of human cells are a micro universe of the billions of planets in the macro universe. As within so without, as below so above.
The funniest thing is that even when it comes to constellations or zodiac signs, different parts of the world differ on their zodiac system, their take on when the year starts (some January 1st, some still March 21, some April 14th, etc.), and even when each season starts (let alone when each week starts). So science is ever changing, and even when it comes to science, conflicts exist.
Don't believe the possiblity for flat earth theory to be correct? Check this out, and if still not convinced about the constant changing of the constellation dates then check this or this out.
Consciousness is Meteorology
This is best explained by an illustration of the I Ching (book of changes) of lao tzu (old master) Li Er of Taoism:
Life is a Stage ... of Non Ending Drama
Yet still, an even better illustration of the non ending cycle of life (and death) is the 4 ages named yugas. There are 14 cycles each named a manvantara before a dissolution each named pralaya all together into 1 cosmic day named kalpa for a total of 60,480,000 years before a great-dissolution named maha-pralaya. Each of these manvantaras is completed by having 72 entire cycles (with all the 4 yugas covered in each cycle) each called maha-yuga (great-age) for a total of 4,320,000 years. That is not all, but there are supposed to be 100 of those great dissolutions because there are 100 kalpas.
As you can see, even sciences - when delved deeply into - reveal that the origin of all things is opposites (e.g. opposing tetrahedrons) to manifest constantly & cyclically revolving energy.
This is why all matter is constantly inconstant, and detachment is absolutely necessary due to the ever impending impermanent state of existence (the natural nature of nature). In other words, ultimately, life is a never ending stage of drama.
Attachment however is expressed in fear, and you lose that fear (of losing something) when you realize you are already whole. Detachment therefore is impossible without overcoming fear, which is impossible without liberation through Self realization, which is impossible without facing the anti Self (the separating ego self) and its manifested "negative" thoughts and sensations "positively" (and vice versa).
In other words, to uncover the detached, whole & true Self, face the attached, incomplete & false self (the ego self).
Having said that, there are only 2 (actually 1) path worth pursuing:
1) pain for self for survival (decreasingly necessary for 2)
2) pain for self for Self (realization)
Pleasure comes as a result of pain, that which is:
1) transient (pleasure / satisfaction due to selfish motivated pain)
2) permanent (bliss due to Self / non selfish motivated pain)
Pursuing happiness through pleasure is not a good idea, for all pursuits of worldly happiness lead to 2 things:
1) pain that is transient (for the self or others)
2) pain that is permanent (constant rebirth therefore having to continuously experience progressively increasing pain due to progressively decreasing morality & intelligence)
Afterall, life is a prison from birth to death, with desires and expectations causing separation therefore temporary happiness / sorrow therefore both being still chain still same but simply look and feel different: golden chain for the rich / iron chain for the poor. Happiness is another form of attachment bringing sorrow, another form of resistance.
Have no fear however, for a little bit of pain (discomfort / going against the ego) leads to a ton of bliss, but a little bit of pleasure (going with the ego) tends to lead to too much of it therefore a ton of pain. So you only need a to endure just a bit of pain (discomfort) each day to attain liberation, be it through renunciation meditation (minimal sense & thought interaction), or dealing with problems / tasks you dislike (endurance), ideally both in 70:30 ratio respectively.
Happiness is not the same as bliss. Happiness is temporal, easily addictive, taking-based, dopamine / pleasure based, visceral / physical, unhealthy, and seperating. Bliss is the opposite: permanent, difficultly addicive, giving-based, serotonin / consciousness based, ethereal / spiritual, healthy, and unifying.
Self realization enables detachment therefore courage therefore losing fear therefore bliss & Death of false ego-self through Love (Unity), while attachment leads to body-mind identification therefore fear (of losing anything) therefore hate (separation) therefore suffering & death of True Spirit-Self.
A good place to start is https://nodojoninja.blogspot.com/2021/01/9elements.html.
So which one are you? The smart, average, or stupid?
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