
The Left Hand Path & the destruction of the destruction of spirituality (including Ninjutsu)

In some cases of the Left Hand Path (of Return) there is atheism.  Atheism means not believing therefore having a god (therefore idol / representation) to worship. It does not mean not believing in something beyond the 5 senses of the  5 elements  therefore void of egoism. A more accurate word for one who does not believe in anything beyond the senses is  infidel . However even believing in anything is not necessary (although faith in the power of the elements helps), because what matters is detachment from worldliness by knowing the non-dual (therefore non separating non judging non desiring) Self therefore liberation from the ego (separate identity especially as body-mind self) therefore suffering of duality. The left hand path comes from the 3 vehicles of enlightenment: 1) Hinayana : the embodied soul will be good but resist evil therefore experience suffering therefore do evil therefore cause suffering therefore experience even more suffering. Unfortunately, for most people, suf

the 5 sheaths & 9 elements of enlightenment & how to kill yourself (without harakiri) to end all suffering

"Our purpose is to Die, that He may be reborn in us." ~Galatians, the holy bible. You are not the false (ego / separate) self, you are the True (Spirit / united) Self, for the body is only an avatar. You are beyond mind; you are  unknowable . You are the observer , not the doer; a Being not a Doing. The Spirit of the soul, a no-mind, and definitely ... a nobody. In other words, you are the watcher of a nameless & formless actor(s) who is playing a temporary  brainwashed & delusional ego character with a prescribed name, height, nationality, religion, god(s), job(s), traits, skills, hobbies, likes and dislikes. (Ego-self is always limited, but Soul does not see that. Soul can not only mend these imperfections, but appreciate them as they are. The material world was, is, and will remain smeared with conflicts, flaws, and drama, as long as body-mind identification remains. Self realization removes all inner therefore outer separations & conflicts) Why are you here in