
The 5 Paths of Liberation

Liberation from the bondage / entrapment of the non ending cycle of life ( birth & death ) is done through: 1) intent : non-desire i.e. Surrender for: Return / Liberation / Enlightenment / Union / Oneness / God or Self or Higher-self or most-High or Truth or The Ultimate realization / non-dualism / ego death / Great Death (same thing) 2) modeling : internal affirmation representation via action (or non-action), mantra / shingon (sound), mudra / kuji (gesture), pranayama / gokyo (breath), asana / kamae (posture), or visualization from any method (religion). 3) mirroring : external affirmation representation such as color / shape / people / animals / diety / location etc. from any method (religion). What is the closest thing to The Ultimate ? Nature, specifically the Elements. Here They are when used for Self in  ascending order of pain  (as per understanding of the elements &  Bhagavat Gita  of  Sanatana dharma ). The order of Their pain is the complete...

Why Martial Arts & Yoga are a scam, spiritually & commercially speaking

Martial arts are external   spiritual paths to enlightenment. It doesn't often spiritually work due to the following: 1. People naturally get into it due to excess water element spurred need to show off, get a thrill, or an activity due to boredom or inactivity (or movie inspiration), or for excess earth element as self defense usually due to some unpleasantly experienced danger or   threat , which although is definitely possible, very unlikely these days.  Life naturally has problems & shortcomings, and it is important to learn how to respond to endure (surrender desire), persevere & control the situation (the martial part) via the physical-mental masculine fire element, calmly & compassionately (the art part) via the relatively high non-physical feminine air element, creatively & intuitively via the dual-gender any-form ether element, but most importantly by presence as the non-gender no-mind 6th element . That takes years & years of long & rig...

War ... always has been ... always will be

War ... always has been, and as long as there is ego therefore selfishness & separation ... it always will be.  Take  Istanbul for example. It has been ravaged with almost 13 invasions since (as early as recorded) 2000 BC: 1) 2nd millenium BC: first inhabitants of the Asian side of Istanbul area 2) 7th century BC: Greek king Byzas colonized the Bosphorus strait, the only access to the Black Sea and named the city Byzantium. 3) 6th century BC: Persian  Empire ruled the city 4) 4th century BC: Alexander the Great conquered it. 5) 2nd century AD: Roman  Empire's Septimus Severus conquered it 6) 4th century AD: emperor Constantine the Great made Byzantium the capital calling it Constantinople and built on 7 hills like Rome, while eastern empire was called Byzantine Empire. 7) 6th century: during Justinian I's rule, riots destroyed it but rebuilt with outstanding structures such as Hagia Sophia (meaning holy wisdom) and monuments in honor of the age of Byzantine...

Theist v.s. Atheist, Gnostic v.s. Agnostic, God v.s. Soul, Energy v.s. Matter, Adam v.s. Eve, Eco v.s. Ego

Theist v.s. Atheist & Gnostic v.s. Agnostic (faith in ascending order: Gnostic Atheist to Gnostic Theist) I don't believe in  GOD, as   an ego or individual. I believe (and know) that He is the complete opposite: the omnipresent omnipotent and omniscient united & uniting unknowable that manifested the material world through the mind through various levels of manifest, especially through Adi (the first) / Adam (human) as Shiva . He even referred to Himself through Gautama as Buddha , Jesus as Christ , and Gabriel as Allah . He also expressed Himself through various miracles through prophets such as Hanuman, Solomon, and Moses . If God is separate then things are separate then senses become source of happiness which is infidelity all over again. When nothing is separate, everything is same, therefore senses are no longer given preference, therefore inner therefore outer peace is achieved. People that believe God is separate are not theists, but egoists. How do...